Safety tips to
remember during
holidays, cold weather
City of Rolla Fire & Rescue wants to remind residents of the potential fire
dangers encountered during the holidays and colder months of the year. The
following is a list of safety precautions provided by the National Fire
Protection Association (
that may help you have a safer holiday season:
- Have wood and coal stoves, fireplaces, chimneys, chimney connectors and all other heating equipment inspected annually by a professional, and cleaned as often as inspections suggest. Use only wood that is properly seasoned to reduce creosote build-up.
- When burning wood in fireplaces or wood stoves, it is important to use properly seasoned wood. Green wood has more moisture and is likely to smolder, leading to more creosote build-up.
- Make sure your fireplace has a sturdy screen to prevent sparks from flying into the room. Allow fireplace and woodstove ashes to cool before disposing in a metal container.
- When buying a new space heater, make sure it carries the mark of an independent testing laboratory, and be sure to have fixed space heaters installed by a qualified technician.
- Portable space heaters should be turned off every time you leave the room or go to bed.
- Have any gas-fueled heating device installed with proper attention to ventilation.
- Test smoke alarms monthly.
- Keep or maintain a 36-inch (1-meter) clearance between space heaters and anything that can burn.
If you own an artificial tree that is flame
retardant, over the years, the flame retardant protective coating can break
down. So don’t leave your lights on at night or when you are away from your
home. If you have a live Christmas tree, keep it watered at all times.
if you are planning to use outdoor lights for decorations, ensure that they
have the Underwriters Laboratory (UL Listed) label somewhere on the lights.
This indicates that they are safe for outside use.
candles on windowsills can also be a potential hazard if placed directly in
contact with blinds or window shades. Always remember to turn them off before
going to bed or leaving the house.
“By following a few
simple safety rules, we can all have a safer and more accident free holiday
season,” said Fire Chief Robert Williams, City of Rolla Fire & Rescue.
American Legion
donates $1,500 to
Veterans Memorial Park
Brown, President of the American Legion Auxiliary Post
270 (right), and Janine Stoffel, Secretary/Treasurer, (left) present a
$1,500 check to Jerry Bumpus, Chairman of the South Central Regional
Veterans Group (SCRVG).
The generous donation will be used for the continued
development of Veterans Memorial Park, an 11-acre City of Rolla park located on
Southview Drive off of Hwy. 72.
David and Sharon Glenn
donate funds to
Veterans Memorial Park

Glenn was a U.S. Army veteran of WW II and the Korean War.
generous donation will be used for the continued development of Veterans
Memorial Park, an 11-acre City of Rolla park located on Southview Drive off of
Hwy. 72.
5-K Run raises
over $500 for
Veterans Memorial Park
Applebaum, a student enrolled in the ROTC program at Missouri
University of Science and Technology, (left), helped coordinate a 5-K Run fundraiser
at Veterans Memorial Park on Nov. 10, 2012.
Jared recently presented a check for over $500 to Jerry Bumpus, Chairman of the South Central Regional Veterans Group (SCRVG).
The generous donation will be used for the continued development of Veterans Memorial Park, an 11-acre City of Rolla park located on Southview Drive off of Hwy. 72. A special thanks goes to Jared, the ROTC program at Missouri S&T, members of the SCRVG, and everyone who participated in the 5-K Run.
Jared recently presented a check for over $500 to Jerry Bumpus, Chairman of the South Central Regional Veterans Group (SCRVG).
The generous donation will be used for the continued development of Veterans Memorial Park, an 11-acre City of Rolla park located on Southview Drive off of Hwy. 72. A special thanks goes to Jared, the ROTC program at Missouri S&T, members of the SCRVG, and everyone who participated in the 5-K Run.
to crack down
impaired drivers
Rolla Police Department will be participating in the 2012 Statewide Holiday DWI
Enforcement Campaign to stop people from driving impaired this holiday season.
Enforcement efforts will be increased Dec. 10-16 and will focus on reducing
deaths and serious injuries caused by impaired drivers.
a loved one during the holiday season is a tragedy no one should have to
endure,” said Sgt. Tim Mayfield. “Impaired driving is a preventable crime, and
we intend to crack down so drivers feel secure when traveling on Missouri’s
some of the consequences if you are caught driving while intoxicated:
- For the first conviction (or first conviction in over five years), your license will be suspended for 30 days followed by a 60-day suspension if a hardship license is not obtained.
- A second conviction results in a $1,000 fine, a year-long revocation of your license and up to a year in jail. You will also be required to install an ignition interlock system on your vehicle, preventing your car from starting when you have alcohol on your breath.
- Third and subsequent convictions can be penalized with up to a $5,000 fine, a 1-year license denial, and/or up to seven years in jail.
- If you cause a fatal crash while intoxicated, you could be charged with Involuntary Manslaughter, a felony resulting in up to seven years of jail time, a $5,000 fine or both.
In 2011, 234 people were killed and 945
seriously injured in crashes involving an impaired driver.
For more Information about impaired driving,
please visit
Filing begins Dec. 11
for 2013 Rolla
Municipal Election
Filing for the City of Rolla’s 2013 General Municipal
Election, which will be held on April 2, 2013, begins on Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012
at 8 a.m.
positions open for election this year include: one Council
Representative for all six wards (two-year term).
Persons wishing to file their
candidacy for any of the above-listed positions may do so between Tuesday, Dec.
11, 2012 (8 a.m.) and Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013 (5 p.m.) in the Rolla City Clerk’s
Office at City Hall (901 North Elm Street). Municipal
candidates are not charged a filing fee.
City Council
seats must be filled by candidates with the following qualifications; at least
21 years of age prior to taking office, a citizen of the United States, an
inhabitant of the city for one year, and a resident of the ward which he/she is
elected for six months at the time of his/her election.
For more
information, please contact Carol Daniels, City Clerk, at (573) 426-6942 or at
Rolla City Council
Mtg. set for
Dec. 17
next Rolla City Council meeting will be held on Monday, Dec. 17 at 6:30 p.m. at
the Rolla City Hall - Council Chambers, 901 N. Elm Street. City Council
meetings are usually held the first and third Monday of the month unless
interrupted by an observed holiday.
view the agenda and full agenda packet for the Dec. 17 Council meeting, please
visit the City's Website at:
meetings are also broadcast live on Rolla Channel 16, (Rolla's Public Education
& Government channel).
more information, please call City Administration at 426-6948.
Shop and dine
locally during
holiday season
the holiday season just weeks away, folks are beginning to make plans for
traditional family gift-giving, get-togethers, celebrations and one of the most
special times of the year.
City of Rolla would like to encourage everyone to please try to patronize and
frequent our local restaurants (there are many to choose from), specialty shops,
retail outlets, and businesses that rely heavily on the holiday season for a
large portion of their business.
Rolla continues to grow and prosper the number and variety of dining options
and retail choices has improved significantly. Our local economy depends
largely on these sectors of society, and we will all benefit from keeping our
dollars locally invested.
Christmas in the Park
Light Display
Dec. 14-22
Christmas in the Park Light Display hosted by the Rolla Lioness Club will be
held this year from Dec. 14 through Dec. 22 at Rolla Lions Club Park (located
on State Route 63 South in Rolla).
beautiful display of Christmas lights, which can usually be seen from a
distance along with a long stream of vehicles getting ready to turn of State
Route 63 into Lions Club Park, will be open free to the public Sunday through
Thursday from 6-9 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 6-10 p.m.
is free to the public, but donations are accepted, and will be used to fund
local scholarships for high school students.
Environmental Services
offers leaf pick-up
thru Dec. 14
City of Rolla’s Environmental Services Department will continue to offer the
pick-up of bagged leaves through Friday, Dec. 14, 2012.
receive this service, the leaves must be placed in brown paper biodegradable
yard waste bags, which can be purchased at a reasonable price at many stores in
the area. We also ask that you place your bags to the curb by 6 a.m. so our
equipment operators can pick them up on your normal collection day.
be aware that this service will be suspended from Dec. 15, 2012 through March
3, 2013. Collection of yard waste (leaves, grass, clippings and small sticks)
in brown paper bags will resume on Monday, March 4, 2013.
wishing to dispose of these materials during the winter suspension can use the
compost site located at the end of McCutchen Drive just north of the Rolla
Recycling Center on Old St. James Road. Residents may also arrange for a
special pick up for a fee. For more information, please call the Environmental
Services Department at (573) 364-6693.
Environmental Services Important Dates
& save coupon).
Dec. 25, 2012 –
Christmas Day: Tuesday’s trash
will be picked up Wednesday.
NOT affecting trash or recycling collection:
Oct. 8, 2012 – Columbus Day
Nov. 12, 2012 – Veteran’s Day
Nov. 23, 2012 – Day after Thanksgiving
Rolla Channel 16
live streaming
24/7 on the Web
you happen to miss the airing of a Rolla City Council meeting, Planning &
Zoning meeting, Rolla Public School Board meeting or Board of Public Works
meeting, you can now watch them live on the Rolla Channel 16 Website at
Channel 16, Rolla’s premiere Education and Government channel, is also now live
streaming (24/7) at RC16 is live streaming all Rolla
City Council meetings, Rolla Planning & Zoning Commission meetings, Rolla
Public Schools board meetings, Rolla High School Review and “City Minutes”
hosted by the City of Rolla’s Communications Office.
syndicated content on RC16 such as Missouri Outdoors, Army Newswatch, and
Capitol Dialogue will also live stream on RC16 at
more information regarding programming or DVD duplication of Rolla City Council
meetings, Rolla Planning & Zoning meetings, and Rolla Public Schools board
meetings, etc., please contact Kenny Perzan, Senior Video Editor, at (573)
426-3377 or at
sure to watch Rolla Channel 16 – “Education, Government and Community for you!”
Dec. 6 – Board of Adjustment Mtg. (5:30 p.m.); Rolla City Hall -
Council Chambers
Dec. 11 – Filing begins for 2013 Rolla General Municipal
Election (8 a.m.); City Clerk’s Office, 901 N. Elm St., 3rd Floor
Dec. 14-22 – Christmas in the Park Light Display; Rolla Lions
Club Park, Hwy. 63 S.; FREE, donations accepted
Dec. 17 – Rolla City
Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)
Dec. 24-25 – City Hall closed for Christmas Eve and Christmas
Jan. 1 – City Hall closed for New Year’s Day holiday
Jan. 7 – Rolla City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.
Jan. 15 – Filing ends for Rolla Municipal General Election (5
p.m.); City Clerk’s Office, 901 N. Elm Street, 3rd Floor
Jan. 21 – Rolla City Hall closed for Martin Luther King Jr.
Birthday Holiday
Jan. 22 – Rolla City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)
Scott A. Grahl
Communications Director
City of Rolla, Missouri
(573) 426-6943
Follow us on Facebook
& Twitter at
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