City supports
Fill A Ford
canned food drive
By Mayor Bill Jenks, III
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Millie Street, Executive Secretary, Administration |
Holiday decorated donation boxes for canned food and non-perishable items are displayed in the lobbies of Rolla City Hall, The Centre, Rolla Recycling Center, Rolla Police Department, and several other City departments and facilities through Dec. 19. Members of the City’s Employee Advisory Committee (EAC) will pick up the food on Dec. 19 and deliver it to Denny Ford Lincoln on Bishop Avenue.
The Centre, Rolla’s health and recreation complex, located at 1200 N. Holloway, has supported and been involved with Fill A Ford for the Holidays for several years. And as an additional incentive to encourage folks to donate canned food items for the drive, The Centre staff is offering a special opportunity for anyone who is not currently a member of The Centre (new members only) who brings in 20 cans of food, to receive their first month’s membership at The Centre free. Individuals who take advantage of this offer must sign up for a year, and if they pay monthly, the membership will be set up with 11 payments. If they choose to pay the entire amount up front The Centre will deduct that amount from the total. For current Centre members, for every five cans they donate, they will get a free fitness class and a chance to win a free month membership. These special offers will run only through Monday, Dec. 19, which is when the Fill A Ford for the Holidays food drive ends. So if someone needs a little extra incentive to join The Centre, this is a great way to give something back to the community at the same time.
This year’s goal for the entire canned food drive is to fill 54 truck-loads to help re-stock 27 food pantries in the surrounding area. Let’s all give back to our community by donating at least one or two cans of food, or a bag-full throughout the holiday season.
In other City news, filing for the City of Rolla’s 2012 General Municipal Election, which will be held on April 3, 2012, began on Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2011. The positions open for election this year include: one Council Representative for all six wards (two-year term), Municipal Judge (two-year term), and City Attorney (Prosecuting Attorney), which is also a two-year term.
Persons wishing to file their candidacy for any of the above-listed positions may do so during business hours (Monday thru Friday) between 8 a.m., and 5 p.m., through Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012 in the Rolla City Clerk’s Office at City Hall (901 North Elm Street). Municipal candidates are not charged a filing fee.
City Council seats must be filled by candidates with the following qualifications; at least 21 years of age prior to taking office, a citizen of the United States, an inhabitant of the city for one year, and a resident of the ward which he/she is elected for six months at the time of his/her election.
The Municipal Judge's office must be filled by a candidate with the following qualifications: a licensed attorney qualified to practice law within the state of Missouri, a resident of the city of Rolla and between the ages of 21 and 68 years. The City Attorney’s office must be filled by a candidate with the following qualifications: a person licensed to practice law in the state of Missouri and a resident of the city. For more information, please contact Carol Daniels, City Clerk, at (573) 426-6942 or at
In closing I’d like to remind everyone that the annual Christmas in the Park light display sponsored by the Rolla Lioness Club, will be open to the public Friday, Dec. 9 through Saturday, Dec. 17 at Rolla Lions Club Park, located on Hwy. 63 South across from G&D Steakhouse.
Hours are 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday through Thursdays and 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. The event is free, but donations will be gratefully accepted
Have a safe week and enjoy the holiday festivities around town!
Filing for 2012 Rolla
Municipal Election
continues thru Jan. 17
Filing for the City of Rolla’s 2012 General Municipal Election, which will be held on April 3, 2012, began on Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2011 and will continue through Jan. 17, 2012.
The positions open for election this year include: one Council Representative for all six wards (two-year term), Municipal Judge (two-year term), and City Attorney (Prosecuting Attorney), which is also a two-year term.
Persons wishing to file their candidacy for any of the above-listed positions may do so during normal business hours (Monday through Friday) between 8 a.m., and 5 p.m., thru Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012 in the Rolla City Clerk’s Office at City Hall (901 North Elm Street). Municipal candidates are not charged a filing fee.
City Council seats must be filled by candidates with the following qualifications; at least 21 years of age prior to taking office, a citizen of the United States, an inhabitant of the city for one year, and a resident of the ward which he/she is elected for six months at the time of his/her election.
The Municipal Judge's office must be filled by a candidate with the following qualifications: a licensed attorney qualified to practice law within the state of Missouri, a resident of the city of Rolla and between the ages of 21 and 68 years.
The City Attorney’s office must be filled by a candidate with the following qualifications: a person licensed to practice law in the state of Missouri and a resident of the city.
For more information, please contact Carol Daniels, City Clerk, at (573) 426-6942 or at
Rolla City Council
Mtg. set for Dec. 19
The next Rolla City Council meeting will be held on Monday, Dec. 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Rolla City Hall, 901 N. Elm Street.
Rolla City Council meetings are ordinarily held the first and third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. except when there is a conflict with an observed holiday. To review a copy of the City Council agendas or the full agenda packet, please visit For more information, please contact Rolla City Administration at 426-6948.
City Council meetings are also broadcast live on Rolla Channel 16 (RC16). To check to see when the City Council meetings are rebroadcast, please check the RC16 Program Guide online at
Christmas in the Park
Light Display Dec. 9-17
at Lions Club Park
The annual Christmas in the Park Light Display, sponsored by the Rolla Lioness Club, will be open to the public Friday, Dec. 9 through Saturday, Dec. 17 at Rolla Lions Club Park, located on Hwy. 63 South across from G&D Steakhouse.
Hours are 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday through Thursdays and 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. The event is free, but donations will be gratefully accepted.
live streaming
24/7 on the Web
If you happen to miss the airing of a Rolla City Council meeting, Planning & Zoning meeting, Rolla Public School Board meeting or Board of Public Works meeting, you can now watch them online on the Rolla Channel 16 Website at
Rolla Channel 16, Rolla’s premiere Education and Government channel, is also now live streaming (24/7) at RC16 is live streaming all Rolla City Council meetings, Rolla Planning & Zoning Commission meetings, all future episodes of “City Minutes”, all Rolla Public Schools board meetings, and Rolla High School Review.
Other syndicated content on RC16 such as Missouri Outdoors, Army Newswatch, and Capitol Dialogue will also live stream on RC16 at
For more information regarding programming or DVD duplication of Rolla City Council meetings, Rolla Planning & Zoning meetings, and Rolla Public Schools board meetings, etc., please contact Gabe Mankin, Digital Media Operations Manager, at (573) 426-3377 or at
Be sure to watch Rolla Channel 16 – Education, Government and Community for you!
Rolla Sesquicentennial
posters available
at City Hall
Rolla Sesquicentennial commemorative posters are available to the public for purchase at Rolla City Hall, (901 N. Elm Street).
The 4-color, 11x17 glossy Sesquicentennial posters are selling for $2 each. In addition to the posters, the newly designed Rolla City flags are available for purchase in the Community Development Department (2nd Floor) at Rolla City Hall for $40 each.
Proceeds will be used to offset costs and expenses incurred for Rolla’s Sesquicentennial Celebration festivities.
The City of Rolla, incorporated 150 years ago on Jan. 25, 1861, continues to celebrate its Sesquicentennial Anniversary, which was Jan. 25, 2011. For more information, please call Scott Grahl, Communications Director, at 426-6943 or visit the City’s Website at and click on the Rolla’s 150th tab.
2011 Environmental Services Dept.
List of Important Dates:
(Clip & save for easy reference!)
Dec. 25, 2011 – Christmas Day (Observed Dec. 26): Monday’s trash will be picked up Tuesday; Tuesday’s trash will be picked up Wednesday.
Upcoming Events
Thru Dec. 17 – “The Way We Worked” Smithsonian Exhibit; The Centre; FREE and open to public (for hours, visit
*Filing for Rolla Municipal Election (8 a.m.); continues thru Jan. 17, 2012
19 – City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)
Scott A. Grahl
Communications Director
City of Rolla, Missouri
(573) 426-6943
Follow us on Facebook
& Twitter at
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