The Way We Worked, the newest Smithsonian Institution exhibit to travel through Missouri with the Missouri Humanities Council’s Museum on Main Street program, will make its next stop at The Centre (1200 N. Holloway St.) from Nov. 19 through Dec. 17, sharing the stories of how work became a central element in American culture and the many changes affecting the workforce and work environments over the past 100 years.

Other notable speakers will include author Joe Sonderman, who will speak on the history of U.S. Route 66 in the Ozarks on Saturday, Nov. 19 (2 p.m.); Kevin Kliesen, Economist with the Federal Reserve Bank in St. Louis, will present “Will Bumpy Seas Give Way to Smooth Sailing” on Monday, Nov. 21 (3 p.m.); Andy Arthur will present “An Evening with Mark Twain” on Wednesday, Nov. 30 (5-7 p.m.); Dan Woodward will present a lecture on some of the jobs performed during the Civil War on Friday, Dec. 2 (6 p.m.); Fort Leonard Wood historian, Dr. John Glover will discuss the history of employment with the military and how it has evolved over the many decades, and the impact Fort Leonard Wood has on this region, on Wednesday, Dec. 7 (7 p.m.); and Dr. Don James will discuss the history of the Phelps County Regional Medical Center on Wednesday, Dec. 14 (7 p.m.). In addition, there will be several free story time programs conducted by area elementary school librarians will be held at The Centre for parents and children, ages 4-10 at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 21, Nov. 28, Dec. 5 and Dec. 12.
For more details about The Way We Worked exhibit, please contact Scott Caron, the City’s Recreation Director, at 573-341-2386 or Loretta Wallis, Corporate Relations Manager, Brewer Science, at 573-364-0444, ext. 1357.
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