Economist Kevin Kliesen
to speak Nov. 21 at
The Centre
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Economist Kevin Kliesen |
Kevin Kliesen, a business economist in the Supervisory Policy and Risk Analysis Unit at the Federal Reserve Bank in St. Louis, Mo. will present “Will Bumpy Seas Give Way to Smooth Sailing” on Monday, Nov. 21 at 3 p.m. at The Centre (located at 1200 N. Holloway St.).
Kliesen is among many notable speakers who will be featured during The Way We Worked, the newest Smithsonian Institution exhibit that will be on display at The Centre (1200 N. Holloway Street) from Nov. 19 through Dec. 17, 2011. His presentation and the Smithsonian Exhibit are free and open to the public.
The first part of Mr. Kliesen’s talk will discuss the current state of the economy and the outlook for 2012. The second part of the talk will discuss some of the ways that the financial crisis, globalization, and changing demographics may be permanently changing the structure of the economy and whether Federal Reserve and government policymakers may need to adjust their policies.
In his capacity as a business economist, Mr. Kliesen writes the Federal Reserve Bank’s monthly Report on Economic Activity, the Regional Economist, and the Review, which is the Bank’s economic journal. Mr. Kliesen has also written for professional economics journals, and he has authored several book reviews.
For more details about The Way We Worked exhibit, featured speakers, special events exhibit hours, programs, and the local history exhibit, please visit the City of Rolla Website at and click on The Way We Worked tab. You may also contact Scott Caron, the City’s Recreation Director, at 573-341-2386 or Loretta Wallis, Corporate Relations Manager, Brewer Science, at 573-364-0444, ext. 1357. For more information on volunteering, please contact Arts Rolla at 573-364-5539 or e-mail Linda Giger at
Rolla City Council
Mtg. set for Nov. 21
The next Rolla City Council meeting will be held on Monday, Nov. 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Rolla City Hall, 901 N. Elm Street.
Rolla City Council meetings are ordinarily held the first and third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. except when there is a conflict with an observed holiday. To review a copy of the City Council agendas or the full agenda packet, please visit For more information, please contact Rolla City Administration at 426-6948.
City Council meetings are also broadcast live on Rolla Channel 16 (RC16). To check to see when the City Council meetings are rebroadcast, please check the RC16 Program Guide online at
Speakers & Special
Events Listing
“The Way We Worked” Smithsonian Exhibit
The Centre, 1200 N. Holloway St.
(Nov. 19 – Dec. 17, 2011)
Open to the public and FREE…
(Clip & Save for easy reference)

Nov. 21 – Story Time (6:30 p.m.) – Parents and Children, ages 4-10 are invited to story time with an Elementary School Librarian. Free and open to the public at The Centre
Nov. 28 – Story Time (6:30 p.m.) – Parents and Children, ages 4-10 are invited to story time with an Elementary School Librarian. Free and open to the public at The Centre
Nov. 30 – An Evening with Mark Twain (5-7 p.m.); Andy Arthur
Dec. 2 – Art Exhibit Opening (5-7 p.m.) and lecture (6 p.m.) on some of the jobs during the Civil War; Dan Woodward
Dec. 5 – Story Time (6:30 p.m.) – Parents and Children, ages 4-10 are invited to story time with an Elementary School Librarian. Free and open to the public at The Centre
Dec. 7 – Lecture (7 p.m.) - Fort Leonard Wood program on the history of employment with the military and how it has evolved over the many decades; and the impact of Fort Leonard Wood on this region; Historian Dr. John Glover
Dec. 9 – “Across Our Wide Missouri” (7:30 p.m.) – Bob Priddy, Author, Historian and News Director of The Missourinet
Dec. 10 – Book signing with Bob Priddy at Reader’s Corner, 819 N. Pine St., Downtown Rolla
(9 a.m. – noon)
Dec. 12 – Story Time (6:30 p.m.) – Parents and Children, ages 4-10 are invited to story time with an Elementary School Librarian. Free and open to the public at The Centre
Dec. 14 – Lecture (7 p.m.) – The history of Phelps County Regional Medical Center; Dr. Don James, Senior Vice President, Chief Medical Officer, PCRMC
For more details about The Way We Worked Exhibit, please contact Scott Caron, the City’s Recreation Director, at 573-341-2386 or Loretta Wallis, Corporate Relations Manager, Brewer Science, at 573-364-0444, ext. 1357.
Smithsonian exhibit
“The Way We Worked”
to feature local history
The Way We Worked, the newest Smithsonian Institution exhibit to travel through Missouri with the Missouri Humanities Council’s Museum on Main Street program, will make its next stop at The Centre (1200 N. Holloway St.) from Nov. 19 through Dec. 17, sharing the stories of how work became a central element in American culture and the many changes affecting the workforce and work environments over the past 100 years.
In addition to the Smithsonian Exhibit, a local exhibit featuring historic and present day photos from the Phelps, Crawford, Dent, Maries and Pulaski county area will be on display to show different livelihoods of our region. The exhibit will highlight work in the following areas: agriculture, timber, railroads, mining, government, tourism, medicine, education, and trade and commerce. These photographs, many from private collections, were generously shared to show our rich history and tell the story of the people who have made this region what it is today.
“We greatly appreciate the many people who have contributed their time and talent to make this local exhibit a reality,” said Loretta Wallis, President of Arts Rolla. “There are hundreds of people who have shared amazing photos that showcase our community and the people who have shaped where we are today. And I’m sure that visitors will enjoy visiting the exhibit and will find some familiar scenes and faces included in the photos.”
For more details about The Way We Worked exhibit, please contact Scott Caron, the City’s Recreation Director, at 573-341-2386 or Loretta Wallis, Corporate Relations Manager, Brewer Science, at 573-364-0444, ext. 1357. For more information on volunteering, please contact Arts Rolla at 573-364-5539 or e-mail Linda Giger at
Rolla City Hall
to close Nov. 24-25
for Thanksgiving Holiday
Rolla City Hall, located at 901 N. Elm Street, will be closed Thursday, Nov. 24 and Friday, Nov. 25, in observance of the Thanksgiving Day holiday.
The City’s Environmental Services Department will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 24 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. Thursday’s trash, recycling, and yard waste will be picked up on Wednesday. There will be no special pick-ups on Wednesday, Nov. 23. Friday’s collection will not be affected. If you have any questions, please call 364-6693.
The Centre, Rolla’s Health and Recreation complex, located at 1200 North Holloway Street, will be closed on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 24 and will be open the following day on Friday from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.
For more information, please visit
Bob Priddy to speak during
The Way We Worked
Smithsonian Exhibit in Rolla
Author Bob Priddy |
Well known author and historian Bob Priddy will be among the notable featured speakers who will be part of the The Way We Worked, the newest Smithsonian Institution exhibit which will be on display at The Centre (1200 N. Holloway Street) from Nov. 19 through Dec. 17, 2011. The exhibit is part of the Missouri Humanities Council’s Museum on Main Street program which is sharing the stories of how work became a central element in American culture and the many changes affecting the workforce and work environments over the past 100 years.
The News Director of The Missourinet, a statewide commercial radio network, and historian who has written five books which focus on Missouri history, Priddy has written five books which focus on Missouri history – three of which are based on his popular daily radio program “Across Our Wide Missouri.”
His fourth book is a biography of Missouri’s most prominent and controversial 20th century artist and his great painting at the Missouri Capitol: “Only The Rivers Are Peaceful: The Missouri Mural of Thomas Hart Benton.” His newest book, “The Art of the Missouri Capitol, History in Canvas, Bronze and Stone,” is written with co-author Jeffrey Ball, and was released in May, 2011.
Priddy will provide a fascinating overview of Missouri’s history during his talk on Friday, Dec. 9 at 7:30 p.m. at The Centre (1200 N. Holloway Street). This event is free and open to the public. Priddy will also be doing a book signing immediately following the event. Priddy will also be at Reader’s Corner, located at 819 North Pine Street in Rolla, on Saturday, Dec. 10 for a book signing appearance from 9 a.m. to 12-noon.
For more information on additional speakers and special events planned for the month-long exhibit, please visit the City of Rolla’s Website at and click on “The Way We Worked” tab at the top of the page.
For more details about The Way We Worked exhibit tour that will be hosted at The Centre from Nov. 19-Dec. 17, please contact Scott Caron, the City’s Recreation Director, at 341-2386 or Loretta Wallis, Global Relations Manager, Brewer Science, at (573) 364-0444, ext. 1357. For information on volunteering, please contact Arts Rolla at 573 364 5539 or e-mail Linda Giger at
Parks and Recreation
leaf pick up service
available Nov. 1 – Dec. 9
For a nominal fee, Rolla residents can get their leaves picked up by the City of Rolla Parks and Recreation Department from Nov. 1 through Dec. 9.
All leaves must be curbside along city streets. No private driveways or private areas will be entered by City vehicles. Per City ordinance, no leaves can be placed in the streets, gutters or ditches. Leaves will be picked up by a large vacuum and deposited into a large dump body and trailer and then taken to the Phelps County composting site to be recycled.
Leaf pick-up will take place Monday through Friday (leaves will not be picked up after 12 p.m. Friday or during weekends and holidays). New users of this service must pay a $150 refundable deposit or leave a credit card number.
The fee is $50 per half hour with the minimum charge of $50 and all fees must be paid within two weeks of the service being completed. Credit card payments (Visa, Master Card and Discover) are preferred. Homeowners will also be required to sign a Hold Harmless Agreement. For more information, please contact the Parks & Recreation Department at 341-2386.
Environmental Services
continues pick up of
bagged leaves through
Dec. 17
The City's Environmental Services Department will continue to pick up leaves bagged in biodegradable paper bags through Dec. 16. Biodegradable brown paper bags can be purchased at several stores in Rolla.
These bags should be out to the curb by 6 a.m. on your normal trash collection day. The department will resume regular collection of yard waste March 1, 2012.
The compost site, located at the north end of McCutchen Road near the Rolla Recycling Center (2141 Old St. James Road), will remain open during normal operating hours for anyone wanting to haul yard waste to that site. For more information, please call Environmental Services at 364-6693.
MoDOT Update on
Interstate 44 ramps at
mile marker 184 in Rolla
Daylight Hours/Overnight Hours
Interstate 44 ramps at mile marker 184 in Rolla - Roundabout construction at the I-44 Business Loop interchange continues at mile marker 184.
* All ramp work has been completed and the ramps are now open to traffic.
* Lighting for the intersection and final grading and striping continues.
The roundabouts are scheduled to be completed by late 2011.
Interstate 44 ramps at mile marker 184 in Rolla - Roundabout construction at the I-44 Business Loop interchange continues at mile marker 184.
* All ramp work has been completed and the ramps are now open to traffic.
* Lighting for the intersection and final grading and striping continues.
The roundabouts are scheduled to be completed by late 2011.
Rolla Channel 16
live streaming
24/7 on the Web
If you happen to miss the airing of a Rolla City Council meeting, Planning & Zoning meeting, Rolla Public School Board meeting or Board of Public Works meeting, you can now watch them online on the Rolla Channel 16 Website at
Rolla Channel 16, Rolla’s premiere Education and Government channel, is also now live streaming (24/7) at RC16 is live streaming all Rolla City Council meetings, Rolla Planning & Zoning Commission meetings, all future episodes of “City Minutes”, all Rolla Public Schools board meetings, and Rolla High School Review.
Other syndicated content on RC16 such as Missouri Outdoors, Army Newswatch, and Capitol Dialogue will also live stream on RC16 at
For more information regarding programming or DVD duplication of Rolla City Council meetings, Rolla Planning & Zoning meetings, and Rolla Public Schools board meetings, etc., please contact Gabe Mankin, Digital Media Operations Manager, at (573) 426-3377 or at
Be sure to watch Rolla Channel 16 – Education, Government and Community for you!
Rolla Sesquicentennial
posters available
at City Hall
Rolla Sesquicentennial commemorative posters are available to the public for purchase at Rolla City Hall, (901 N. Elm Street).
The 4-color, 11x17 glossy Sesquicentennial posters are selling for $2 each. In addition to the posters, the newly designed Rolla City flags are available for purchase in the Community Development Department (2nd Floor) at Rolla City Hall for $40 each.
Proceeds will be used to offset costs and expenses incurred for Rolla’s Sesquicentennial Celebration festivities.
The City of Rolla, incorporated 150 years ago on Jan. 25, 1861, continues to celebrate its Sesquicentennial Anniversary, which was Jan. 25, 2011. For more information, please call Scott Grahl, Communications Director, at 426-6943 or visit the City’s Website at and click on the Rolla’s 150th tab.
2011 Environmental Services Dept.
List of Important Dates:
(Clip & save for easy reference!)
Nov. 24, 2011 – Thanksgiving Day: Thursday’s trash will be picked up Wednesday.
Dec. 25, 2011 – Christmas Day (Observed Dec. 26): Monday’s trash will be picked up Tuesday; Tuesday’s trash will be picked up Wednesday.
Holidays NOT affecting trash
or recycling collection:
Nov. 11, 2011 – Veterans Day
Nov. 25, 2011 – Day after Thanksgiving
Upcoming Events
19 thru Dec. 17 – “The Way We Worked” Smithsonian Exhibit; The Centre; FREE and open to public (for hours, visit
21 – Economist Kevin Kliesen, Federal Reserve Bank in St. Louis; “Will Bumpy Seas Give Way to Smooth Sailing” (3 p.m.); The Centre (Free and open to the public)
21 – City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)
24 – Happy Thanksgiving: Thursday’s trash will be picked up on Wednesday
24-25 – City Hall closed for Thanksgiving
30 – Andy Arthur presents “An Evening with Mark Twain” (6 p.m.); The Centre (Free and open to the public)
1 – Board of Adjustment Mtg. (5:30 p.m.)
2 – Historian Dan Woodward to speak on Civil War era jobs (6 p.m.); The Centre (Free and open to the public)
3 – Rolla Christmas Parade (10 a.m.); Pine Street, downtown Rolla
3 – Visit and photos with Santa (11 a.m. – 1 p.m.); The Centre
5 – City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)
7 – Historian Dr. John Glover to speak on military history and the impact of Fort Leonard Wood to the region (7 p.m.); The Centre (Free and open to the public)
8 – Visit & photos with Santa (4-6 p.m.); The Centre
9 – Author Bob Priddy to give an overview of Missouri history (7:30 p.m.); The Centre (Free and open to the public)
10 – Bob Priddy book signing event (9 a.m.-12-noon); Reader’s Corner, 9th and Pine St. (Open to the public)
11 – Rotary Holiday Celebration (11 a.m.-2:30 p.m.); Havener Center; tickets available through Rotary members
14 – Dr. Don James will present the history of Phelps County Regional Medical Center (7 p.m.); The Centre (Free and open to the public)
19 – City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)
Scott A. Grahl
Communications Director
City of Rolla, Missouri
(573) 426-6943
Follow us on Facebook
& Twitter at
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