Rolla City Council
Mtg. set for Oct. 17
The next Rolla City Council meeting will be held on Monday, Oct. 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Rolla City Hall, 901 N. Elm Street. During the meeting the final reading of the City’s 2011-2012 annual budget will also be made.
Rolla City Council meetings are ordinarily held the first and third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. except when there is a conflict with an observed holiday. To review a copy of the City Council agendas or the full agenda packet, please visit For more information, please contact Rolla City Administration at 426-6948.
City Council meetings are also broadcast live on Rolla Channel 16 (RC16). To check to see when the City Council meetings are rebroadcast, please check the RC16 Program Guide online at
Grand Opening of
Deible Loop Pedestrian
Bike Path set for Oct. 19
The City of Rolla invites you to attend the grand opening celebration of the Deible Loop Pedestrian Bike Path on Wednesday, Oct. 19 at 5:30 p.m. The family-friendly event will be held near the trail at the intersection of Lions Club Drive and Southview Drive.
Rolla Mayor Jenks, III will kick off the event with a welcome and recognition of everyone who helped make the project a success, including the City of Rolla’s Public Works Department, Parks and Recreation Department, students and faculty at Missouri University of Science and Technology who helped design two bridges on the trail, and Fit Helps, which helped design and fund the trail signage located along the 1.75-mile-long trail.
In addition to a ribbon cutting ceremony that will be coordinated by the Rolla Area Chamber of Commerce and Chamber Ambassadors, there will also be a bicycle safety presentation by Dennis Noel, Triathlete, and VIPS (Volunteer in Police Service) volunteer; and free give-aways and healthy snacks and refreshments provided by Fit Helps and the City of Rolla.
Fit Helps will also be coordinating a family and fun bicycle ride on the trail following the dedication that everyone is invited to participate in. Please bring your bicycles and don’t forget your helmets.
For more information, please contact Scott Grahl, the City’s Communications Officer, at 426-6943.
Operation Neighborhood
Clean Up set for Nov. 4
The 4th annual “Operation Neighborhood Clean-up” will be held on Friday, Nov. 4 in the area referred to as the Huffman Trailer Park and Johnson/Laird sub-division located near the corner of Pinetree Road and Hwy. 72.
All volunteers are asked to attend the welcome gathering at 6:30 a.m. at Carpenter’s Union Hall located at Hwy. 72 and Richard Dr. A complimentary breakfast will be provided. The clean-up will take place from 7 a.m. to 12-noon.
The entire community is invited to participate in this beautification effort, which is once again being coordinated by the Rolla Area Ministerial Alliance and the Rolla Police Department.

Groups or individuals interested in volunteering for Operation Neighborhood Clean-up should contact Chris Foster, Associate Minister at Greentree Christian Church, at 364-2649 or, or Officer Vince Giacolone at the Rolla Police Department at 308-1213 or at
MoDOT Update on
Kingshighway/I-44 roundabouts
Roundabout construction at the I-44 Business Loop interchange. Crews have completed work at the eastbound on-ramp to I-44. The on-ramp to westbound I-44 is also complete. Motorists should expect additional ramp closures at the 184 mile marker interchange as construction continues. Closures are scheduled every two weeks, and construction is staged so only one ramp will be closed at a time. Weather permitting, work on the off-ramp from westbound I-44 is underway and the off-ramp from eastbound I-44 is scheduled to close Oct. 3. Work on the roundabouts should be complete by late 2011.
Smithsonian to make stop in Rolla
with The Way We Worked Exhibit
Nov. 17-Dec. 19, 2011
The Way We Worked, the newest Smithsonian Institution exhibit to travel through Missouri with the Missouri Humanities Council’s Museum on Main Street program, will make its next stop in Rolla, Missouri at the The Centre (1200 N. Holloway Street) from Nov. 19 through Dec. 17, sharing the stories of how work became a central element in American culture and the many changes affecting the workforce and work environments over the past 100 years.
The exhibition focuses on why we work and the needs that our jobs fulfill, featuring multiple interpretive opportunities for visitors through large graphics, audio components, relevant objects and work clothing.
"Our work takes places everywhere—on the land, on the streets of our communities, in offices and factories, in our home and even in space,” said Rolla Mayor Bill Jenks, III. “The Way We Worked will allow us to tell that evolving story on a national level and relate it to our own community.”
“The Missouri Humanities Council hopes Phelps County residents and those in the surrounding areas will enjoy the exhibition and think a little deeper about the journey of American workers and how that it is reflected in the world today, both locally and nationally,” said Geoff Giglierano, Executive Director of the Missouri Humanities Council.
The exhibition explores the tools and technologies that enabled and assisted workers, which led to a faster, more complex and often more stressful work environment, the diversity of the American workforce, and how individuals and communities identify themselves with work.
Visitors are free to travel through the exhibit on their own or with a guide. Guides help visitors personally connect to the exhibit through conversations and observations on the exhibit themes.
The Way We Worked will begin in Ste. Genevieve at The Bolduc House Museum from Oct. 8 - Nov. 5, 2011 and will continue the tour in Rolla from Nov. 19 - Dec. 17. Additional stops will include the following cities throughout 2011 and 2012:
- Poplar Bluff—Jan. 3- Jan. 31, 2012, Wheatley Historic Preservation
- Fulton—Feb. 11- March 10, 2012 The National Churchill Museum
- Lawson—March 24- April 21, 2012, Watkins Wollen Mill State Park & State Historic Site
- Savannah—May 5- June 2, 2012, Andrew County Museum & Historical Society
For more details about The Way We Worked exhibit tour and associated calendar and special events planned for each site, contact the Missouri Humanities Council at 800-357-0909 or view the Missouri Humanities Council website at
Organizations interested in bringing a Museum on Main Street exhibit to their community should contact the Missouri Humanities Council to discuss available opportunities in their areas.
Rolla Channel 16 live streaming 24/7 on the Web
If you happen to miss the airing of a Rolla City Council meeting, Planning & Zoning meeting, Rolla Public School Board meeting or Board of Public Works meeting, you can now watch them online on the Rolla Channel 16 Website at
Rolla Channel 16, Rolla’s premiere Education and Government channel, is also now live streaming (24/7) at RC16 is live streaming all Rolla City Council meetings, Rolla Planning & Zoning Commission meetings, all future episodes of “City Minutes”, all Rolla Public Schools board meetings, and Rolla High School Review.
Other syndicated content on RC16 such as Missouri Outdoors, Army Newswatch, and Capitol Dialogue will also live stream on RC16 at
For more information regarding programming or DVD duplication of Rolla City Council meetings, Rolla Planning & Zoning meetings, and Rolla Public Schools board meetings, etc., please contact Gabe Mankin, Digital Media Operations Manager, at (573) 426-3377 or at
Be sure to watch Rolla Channel 16 – Education, Government and Community for you!
Rolla Sesquicentennial
posters available at City Hall
Rolla Sesquicentennial commemorative posters are available to the public for purchase at Rolla City Hall, (901 N. Elm Street).
The 4-color, 11x17 glossy Sesquicentennial posters, designed by Angi Yowell, RTI Graphic Design Instructor, are selling for $2 each. In addition to the posters, the newly designed Rolla City flags are available for purchase in the Community Development Department (2nd Floor) at Rolla City Hall for $40 each.
Proceeds will be used to offset costs and expenses incurred for Rolla’s Sesquicentennial Celebration festivities.
The City of Rolla, incorporated 150 years ago on Jan. 25, 1861, continues to celebrate its Sesquicentennial Anniversary, which was Jan. 25, 2011. For more information, please call Scott Grahl, Communications Officer, at 426-6943 or visit the City’s Website at and click on the Rolla’s 150th tab.
2011 Environmental Services Dept.
List of Important Dates:
(Clip & save for easy reference!)
Nov. 24, 2011 – Thanksgiving Day: Thursday’s trash will be picked up Wednesday.
Dec. 25, 2011 – Christmas Day (Observed Dec. 26): Monday’s trash will be picked up Tuesday; Tuesday’s trash will be picked up Wednesday.
Holidays NOT affecting trash
or recycling collection:
Oct. 10, 2011 – Columbus Day
Nov. 11, 2011 – Veterans Day
Nov. 25, 2011 – Day after Thanksgiving
Hotline number: 341-1168
Upcoming Events
17 - City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)
19 – Grand Opening of the Deible Loop Pedestrian Bike Path (5:30 p.m.); intersection of Lions Club Drive and Southview Drive
31 – Trick or Treat Night at Rolla City Hall, The Centre, RPD, and Rolla Fire & Rescue (5-7 p.m.)
31 – Have a Safe Trick or Treat (5-7 p.m.); downtown Rolla
4 – Operation Neighborhood Clean Up (6:30 a.m.); meet at Carpenter’s Hall on Hwy. 72 (For details, call Vince Giacolone/RPD at 308-1213)
4 – U.S. Armed Forces Victory Dinner (doors open at 5 p.m.; dinner at 6 p.m.); Lions Club Den, Lions Club Park (Call Judy Wright at 364-2419 for tickets; $20/adults; $10/children 10 & under); proceeds to benefit Veterans Memorial Park
4 – Operation Neighborhood Clean Up (6:30 a.m.); meet at Carpenter’s Hall on Hwy. 72 (For details, call Vince Giacolone/RPD at 308-1213)
7 – City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)
21 – City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)
Does this mean the roads will be closed on Pine Street to keep kids safe???
So the roads will be closed? Hope so!
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