Mayor Bill Jenks, III |
protection and preservation of the environment continues to be a high priority
for the City of Rolla’s Public Works Department which is working closely with
several agencies in the Rolla area to place 1,500 highly visible red, stainless
steel markers with the words “No Dumping – Drains to Streams” on stormwater
grate inlets.
The project, which is being overseen by Anne
McClay, Project Coordinator in the Engineering Division, will be held next
Saturday, April 20. Numerous volunteers from the Phelps County Venture Crew 84,
Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, a Missouri S&T fraternity, and even staff at the
Missouri Department of Natural Resources and Department of Conversation will be
organizing at Veterans Memorial Park (located off Southview Drive) at 8 a.m. The
purpose of the program is to remind the public of the importance of not
depositing pollutants, chemicals, yard waste or debris into stormwater inlets.
The continuation of the program, which is now
in its second phase, is also a
response to the stringent mandates concerning stormwater treatment and water
quality of streams and lakes. These mandates continue to trickle down from the
state and federal level to the local level. Last year members of the Phelps
County Venture Crew generously adopted the project as one of their
environmental projects – donating their time and talent to install 500 drain
markers throughout the north side of the City between 10th and 18th
Street and along Pine Street and from Bishop Highway to Forum Drive.
With the knowledge and experience they
obtained during the first phase of this project, members of the Phelps County
Venture Crew 84 will be coordinating the project. They have spent a lot of time
learning about non-point source pollution and watersheds and are ready to share
what they’ve learned. For all intents and purposes, this is their program and
the City will assist with other agencies, organizations and volunteers who are
participating on Saturday. A special thanks goes out to all the members of the
Venture Crew, including leaders John and Ann Murphy, and member Elizabeth
Jackson, who will be in charge of the crew.
Please be aware that all of the volunteers involved in this effort will
be working with reflective clothing along city streets and curbs next Saturday,
and I would once again like to ask the motoring public to please be watchful
and vigilant as you travel through these areas.
There are over 4,300 stormwater inlets located along 100 miles of
streets in the City of Rolla, and this second phase of a multi-year program is designed
to involve and educate the community regarding the importance of not dumping
chemicals, pollutants and yard waste into storm drain inlets. By spreading the
Stormwater Inlet Marker program over several years we hope to involve as many
students, agencies, community groups and volunteers as possible
The Stormwater Inlet Marker program is collaboration among the City of
Rolla, Healthy Yards for Clear Streams and Phelps County Venture Crew. Phase I
of the program was so successful that the Non-Point Source Pollution Prevention
(319 Mini-Grant) from the Department of Natural Resources was increased to $10,000.
If other groups or organizations are interested in volunteering or learning
more about how they can participate in this program, please contact Anne McClay
at 426-6955 or amclay@rollacity.org.
Have a safe weekend and a great week ahead!