Veterans Memorial
Park important
community asset
![]() |
Mayor Bill Jenks, III |
With one of the largest and most significant
Army bases located just 30 miles west of Rolla at Fort Leonard Wood in St.
Robert, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the Rolla area is one of the most
patriotic and military-friendly communities in the Midwest.
Maybe that is why
momentum for the development of Veterans Memorial Park, located off Southview
Drive near Hwy.72, continues to be a high priority for not only our area
veterans, and the South Central Regional Veterans Group (SCRVG), but active
duty military members and the citizens of our community.
If you haven’t visited Veterans Memorial Park
lately, I encourage you to do so. You can access the park not only from
Southview Drive, but also on foot from the ACORN Trail, which runs along the
north end of the park. The three most recognizable features of Veterans
Memorial Park are the U.S. Armed Service Pentagon (with three flags), the new
pavilion on the south end, and of course a large, paved parking lot with a
display of the park’s master plan. It is quite apparent that progress is being
made on the development of this multi-phased park, which is a City owned park
that is being developed through donations, fund raising events such as Classic
Car Cruise-Ins, luncheons, a lot of volunteers (which most recently included
engineers from Fort Leonard Wood), and perhaps someday a large state or federal
grant, or even a significant monetary gift from a generous group or individual.
If you have been interested in showing your
support for Veterans Memorial Park, but haven’t had the right opportunity to do
so, you may consider attending a luncheon and silent auction to honor Korean
War Veterans on Saturday, Nov. 3. The fund-raiser, which is being coordinated
by members of the SCRVG and area veterans, will begin at 12-noon at Greentree
Christian Church (located at 800 Greentree Road in Rolla). Tickets for the
event, which include a delicious meal of barbecue pork, cole slaw, potato
salad, and dessert, are $20 per person. The acoustic classic rock band, Trilogy, will also be performing,
(consisting of our very own John Butz, City Administrator; Larry Stratman,
County Commissioner; and musician Eric Arndt) and a preview of “Little Women”
will be presented by Ozark Actors Theatre. Proceeds from this event will go
towards the development of Veterans Memorial Park. If you would like to order
tickets for the luncheon, please contact Susan Hinkle, Treasurer of the SCRVG at
closing, I’d like to remind everyone that Halloween is just around the corner
this Wednesday, Oct. 31. Fortunately between the Rolla Downtown Business
Association (RDBA), area merchants, and City departments, there will be
numerous safe, and fun festivities for people of all ages to participate in
that evening, beginning at 5 p.m. at The Centre, Rolla PD, Rolla City Hall, and
Fire & Rescue Station #2. You can be assured that members of the Rolla
Police Department and VIPS (Volunteers in Police Service) will be out in our
neighborhoods and business district to help monitor the safety of your
children. But it is still imperative that everyone remains alert, wears bright
colored clothing, and takes all the necessary precautions while enjoying the
night’s festivities. Motorists are also encouraged to use extreme caution while
driving on Halloween night, and to look out for pedestrians who are walking in
the downtown area and throughout various neighborhoods. The City’s number one
priority on Halloween night is to keep everyone safe.
Enjoy the weekend, Happy
Halloween, and have a safe week!
S&T students
city with
of the Missouri S&T Athletic Department’s Service Organization for Varsity
Athletes or “M-Club” recently partnered with the City of Rolla Public Works
Department to improve our local streams by assisting with stream bank
stabilization efforts.
efforts and work ethic are to be applauded,” said Anne McClay, Project
Coordinator in the Engineering Division. “Not only did they volunteer their
time, but they waded through creeks in the rain on a Sunday afternoon.”
above are “M-Club” members – kneeling (l to r): Andrew Schranck and Alex Griffin; standing
(l to r) : Aljaz Kerc, Andrew Simek, Ethan Goldfarb, Drew Larkins, Chris Lohff,
Keith Sponsler, Delancey Rougely, Adriel Hawkins, Samantha Wermager, Jusean
Archibald, Chris Marchman, Kyle Stocker. Not pictured are: Billy Neds, Molly
Clements, Rachel Ederle.
part of their community service requirements with Missouri S&T the students
spent the afternoon “harvesting” willow cuttings from shrubs along Deible Creek
and planting them along recent creek improvements on Burgher Branch and Carter
could not ask for a more out ongoing, hard-working and enthusiastic group of
students to help you with a project like this,” said McClay. “The City is very
appreciative of all their assistance and the contribution they made to this
important environmental program to help stop stream bank erosion. We often
forget about what a great resource we have in our local volunteer organizations.”
more information about volunteering or the City’s stream bank stabilization
program, please contact Anne McClay, Project Coordinator, at 426-6955.
City of Rolla makes
Halloween festivities
safe and fun for all
City of Rolla will offer numerous festivities on Halloween night Wednesday,
Oct. 31 by passing out candy, hosting costume contests, and making the
community feel welcome at The Centre, Rolla Police Department, Rolla Fire &
Rescue, Station 2 and at Rolla City Hall.
Centre, located at 1200 North Holloway St., will kick off the evening with
their annual Fall Costume Contest between the hours of 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Show
off your costumes and you will receive a treat. Costumes will be judged
according to age groups and winners will receive Centre gift certificates.
Rolla Police Department will be handing out candy Halloween night beginning at
5 p.m. at RPD Headquarters located at 1007 North Elm Street. Rolla Fire and
Rescue will hand out candy and host a child-friendly haunted house inside
Eugene Northern Community Hall at Fire Station #2 on Halloween night between 5
p.m. and 8 p.m. Fire Station #2 is located at 400 West Fourth Street. The
haunted house is free and open to the public.
of the Administration and Public Works departments will also pass out candy and
treats in the lobby of City Hall (901 N. Elm Street) from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
“Your children’s safety and the safety of the public is the City’s number one concern
on Halloween night,” said Rolla Mayor Bill Jenks, III. “Please stay safe while
you are enjoying the festivities around town.”
needed for
less than two weeks before the 5th Annual Operation Neighborhood
Clean-Up is held on Friday, Nov. 2, there are at least 30 households located
throughout the City of Rolla that have been selected by the Rolla Police
Department and Rolla Area Ministerial Alliance to receive assistance. And while
many volunteers from past clean-ups have already signed up to help out with
this year’s clean-up, there is always a need for more individuals and groups to
help provide the kind of sweat-equity and teamwork that is required of this
collaborative effort that involves numerous City departments. Rolla Municipal
Utilities (RMU), Fidelity Communications, Century Link, and many other sponsors
and supporters.
you are interested in volunteering, you are encouraged to contact Officer Vince
Giacolone, VIPS Director at the Rolla Police Department (308-1213), or attend
the welcome gathering the morning of the clean-up on Nov. 2 at 6:30 a.m. at the
Greentree Christian Church Youth Center (located at 801 East 10th
Street). A complimentary hot breakfast will be provided, and the clean-up will
take place from 7 a.m. to 12-noon.
Neighborhood Clean-up is an opportunity for residents to partner with the Rolla
Area Ministerial Alliance, community churches, and the Rolla Police Department
to enhance a sense of community, well being, pride and property values among
the neighborhoods where the clean-up is conducted. The clean-up effort involves
limited tree trimming, hedge trimming, and the removal of brush piles, leaves,
household items and trash.
Luncheon to honor
Korean War Veterans
set for Nov. 3
public is invited to attend a luncheon and silent auction to honor Korean War
Veterans on Saturday, Nov. 3 at 12-noon at Greentree Christian Church (located
at 800 Greentree Road in Rolla).
for the event, which include a delicious meal of barbecue pork, cole slaw,
potato salad, and dessert, are $20 per person. The acoustic classic rock band, Trilogy, will also be performing, and a
preview of “Little Women” will be presented by Ozark Actors Theatre.
from this event will go towards the development of Veterans Memorial Park and
the completion of the new pavilion that was recently constructed in the park.
Veterans Memorial Park, which is a City of Rolla park, is located on Southview
Drive near Hwy. 72.
order your tickets for the luncheon or for more information, please contact
Susan Hinkle, Treasurer of the South Central Regional Veterans Group
(S.C.R.V.G.), at 573-578-2141.
event will be hosted by members of the S.C.R.V.G., area veterans and volunteers
who are committed to the development and completion of Veterans Memorial Park.
Rolla City Council
Mtg. set for
Nov. 5
next Rolla City Council meeting will be held on Monday, Nov. 5 at 6:30 p.m. at
the Rolla City Hall - Council Chambers, 901 N. Elm Street. City Council
meetings are usually held the first and third Monday of the month unless
interrupted by an observed holiday.
view the agenda and full agenda packet for the Nov. 5 Council meeting, please
visit the City's Website at:
A copy of the 2012-2013 City of Rolla Proposed budget is also available on this
page on the Website.
meetings are also broadcast live on Rolla Channel 16, (Rolla's Public Education
& Government channel).
more information, please call City Administration at 426-6948.
Environmental Services Important Dates
(clip & save coupon)
Nov. 22, 2012
– Thanksgiving Day: Thursday’s trash will be picked up
Dec. 25, 2012
– Christmas
Day: Tuesday’s trash will be picked
up Wednesday.
NOT affecting trash or recycling collection:
Oct. 8, 2012 – Columbus Day
Nov. 12, 2012 – Veteran’s Day
Nov. 23, 2012 – Day after Thanksgiving
Rolla Channel 16
live streaming
24/7 on the Web
you happen to miss the airing of a Rolla City Council meeting, Planning &
Zoning meeting, Rolla Public School Board meeting or Board of Public Works
meeting, you can now watch them live on the Rolla Channel 16 Website at
Channel 16, Rolla’s premiere Education and Government channel, is also now live
streaming (24/7) at
RC16 is live streaming all Rolla City Council meetings, Rolla Planning &
Zoning Commission meetings, Rolla Public Schools board meetings, Rolla High
School Review and “City Minutes” hosted by the City of Rolla’s Communications
syndicated content on RC16 such as Missouri Outdoors, Army Newswatch, and
Capitol Dialogue will also live stream on RC16 at
more information regarding programming or DVD duplication of Rolla City Council
meetings, Rolla Planning & Zoning meetings, and Rolla Public Schools board
meetings, etc., please contact Kenny Perzan, Senior Video Editor, at (573)
426-3377 or at
sure to watch Rolla Channel 16 – “Education, Government and Community for you!”
Oct. 31 – Have a Safe Trick or Treat in downtown Rolla (5-7
p.m.); sponsored by the RDBA
Oct. 31 – Rolla City Departments
host Halloween Festivities (5-7 p.m.); The Centre, Rolla PD, Rolla Fire &
Rescue, Station #2, and Rolla City Hall
Nov. 2 – 5th Annual Operation Neighborhood Clean-Up
(6:30 a.m.-noon); volunteers meet for at Greentree Christian Church Youth
Center, 801 E. 10th St. (308-1213 – Vince Giacolone)
Nov. 3 – Luncheon and Silent Auction to honor Korean War
Veterans (12-noon); Greentree Christian Church; proceeds to benefit Veterans
Memorial Park; tickets-$20; call Susan Hinkle at 578-2141 for more info
Nov. 3 – 29th Annual Optimist Flap Jack Day (6 a.m. –
2 p.m.); St. Patrick Parish Hall; proceeds benefit Rolla Area youth
($5-Advance; $6-Door – Under 6 FREE)
Nov. 5 – City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)
Nov. 7 – Rolla Board of Public Works Mtg. (4:30 p.m.); 101 West
10th St. (Tucker Centre)
Nov. 12 – City Hall closed for Veterans Day Holiday
Nov. 19 – City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)
Nov. 22-23 – City Hall closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec. 1 – Rolla Christmas Parade (10 a.m.); Pine Street, downtown
Dec. 2 – City Council Mtg.
Dec. 14-22 – Christmas in the Park Light Display; Rolla Lions
Club Park, Hwy. 63 S.; FREE, donations accepted
Dec. 17 – City Council Mtg.
Scott A. Grahl
Communications Director
City of Rolla, Missouri
(573) 426-6943
Follow us on Facebook
& Twitter at
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