Rolla Fire & Rescue
to conduct annual
business inspections
Beginning March 1 the City of Rolla firefighters will soon be visiting every commercial business in the City of Rolla as part of their fire and safety inspection program.
“Firefighters will be conducting annual safety and familiarization inspections in the coming weeks to ensure commercial businesses and multi-family dwellings comply with city, state and national codes,” said Ron Smith, Training Officer with the City of Rolla Fire & Rescue Department.
The goal of the program, said Smith, is to ensure a safe atmosphere for those who work at, patronize or visit a business in Rolla. In addition, the inspections will allow firefighters to familiarize themselves with the layout of a building, which is important in it catches fire or incurs some type of massive damage.Items the inspection crews will focus on include occupants’ life safety issues, such as:
- Fire extinguishers, location, number, and condition
- Excessive use of extension cords
- Excessive rubbish, trash, or debris
- Fire alarm, sprinkler and/or commercial kitchen extinguishing systems
- Clear exit paths
- Functioning exit signage and lighting
- Exposed wiring or defective heating systems or combustibles stored too close
During the inspection, fire personnel will update contact information that is used for emergency purposes only. The inspection also provides an opportunity to interact and educate business owners of the requirements of fire and life safety issues.
At the conclusion of each inspection, business owners will be provided a copy of the inspection form noting the corrections needed or any recommendations such as the installation of a fire extinguisher, certification of an alarm system, or any other helpful fire safety items or tips.
If there are any corrections required, the inspecting firefighter will conduct additional re-inspections.
“Our visits are more than just a thorough fire safety inspection,” said Smith. “We also assist you with evacuation plans and employee safety programs.”
For more information, please visit or call the City of Rolla fire & Rescue Administration at 573-364-3989.
Public Works Dept.
announces new
Snow Removal
Policy website
The City of Rolla’s Public Works Department recently developed a new Snow Removal Policy website that provides an extensive overview of the City’s snow removal operations, weather alerts and how to be prepared when the next big snow or ice storm hits our area.
From MoDOT road closings, school cancellation information, and emergency numbers, to AccuWeather alerts, frequently asked questions, snow removal routes/maps, and winter preparedness tips, this website, ( designed by Anne McClay, Project Coordinator, is a virtual one-stop treasure trove of weather related information. Some of the questions you will see answered on the Snow Removal Website include: “My street has not been plowed yet, but the next street over has. When is the City going to plow my street?” Another question asks: “When the plows went by, they filled my driveway with snow. Is the City going to clear my driveway?”
The City of Rolla began operating under a revised snow removal plan during the winter of 1990, and since that time the plan has been revised on a regular basis. The most current update, November 2011, has become the basis for the implementation of this new “Snow Removal Police” website that is located on the Public Works Department homepage. By providing access to this document, it is hoped that the general public will gain a better understanding of the strategies used to maintain the streets during a winter weather event.
Environmental Services Dept.
to resume curbside collection
of yard waste March 5
The City of Rolla Environmental Services Department will resume the curbside collection of yard waste in brown paper biodegradable bags on Monday, March 5.
Yard waste bags (containing leaves, grass clippings and small sticks) should be out to the curb by 6 a.m. on your regular trash collection day.
For more information, please contact the Environmental Services office at 364-6693 or visit the City of Rolla Website at
Rolla City Council
Mtg. set for March 5
The next Rolla City Council meeting will be held on Monday, March 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Rolla City Hall, 901 N. Elm Street.
Rolla City Council meetings are ordinarily held the first and third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. except when there is a conflict with an observed holiday. To review a copy of the City Council agendas or the full agenda packet, please visit For more information, please contact Rolla City Administration at 426-6948.
Grand Family Conference
set for March 10
at The Centre
Find out more about the resources in Phelps County that are available for grandparents raising their grandchildren by attending the Grand Family Conference on Saturday, March 10 from 8:15 a.m. to 2 p.m. at The Centre, 1200 N,. Holloway St.
To register or for more information, please call (573-341-2FUN) or stop by The Centre located at 1200 N. Holloway Street in Rolla, Mo. You may also contact the following individuals:;; and
Thanks to the event sponsors, this event is a FREE event for all! Free continental breakfast, free lunch, goody bags with great information to take home, free activities for the kids, and great door prizes!
Major event sponsors include: The Centre; AARP; and University of Missouri Extension.
Rolla Public School Board and
Rolla Municipal Candidates Forum
set for March 12
The public is invited to attend the Rolla Community Teachers Association (RCTA) Candidates Forum beginning at 4 p.m. on Monday, March 12. The Candidates Forum will be held at the Rolla Public Schools Administration Building – Board Room located at 500A Forum Dr. Candidates running for the Rolla Public School Board of Education on April 3, 2012 will be in attendance. For more information please contact Sue Eudaly, President of the (RCTA) at 573-458-0100 ext. 18026 or by email at
Following the RTCA Candidates Forum the Rolla Area Chamber of Commerce invites you to attend the Rolla Municipal Candidates Forum beginning at 6 p.m. at the Rolla Public Schools Administration Building – Board Room located at 500A Forum Dr.
Candidates running for Municipal Judge, Rolla City Attorney, and Rolla City Council will be in attendance. Questions for the Forum may be submitted in advance by e-mail to or fax 573-364-5222. For more information, please contact the Rolla Area Chamber of Commerce at 573-364-3577.
The Candidates Forums will be aired on Rolla Channel 16.
One-Time FREE Tire Collection
set for March 31 at
Rolla Recycling Center
A one-time FREE Tire Collection will be held on Saturday, March 31 from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the City of Rolla Recycling Center (empty lot behind RRC) located at 2141 Old St. James Rd. in Rolla.
This is a one-time only amnesty day funded by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources' (MDNR) Transportation's Scrap Tire Unit and hosted by the City of Rolla's Environmental Services Department.
Tires from businesses will not be accepted, and residents will be asked to unload tires themselves. The MDNR will only provide one of these free tire collections in a community, so please take advantage of this opportunity, as it will not be provided in Rolla again.
Promotions for the FREE Tire Collection is coordinated by the Ozark Rivers Solid Waste Management District, Missouri Department of Natural Resources and Meramec Regional Planning Commission.
For more information, and to answer any questions you may have, please contact the Rolla Recycling Center at 573-364-6693.
City-Wide Clean Up
set for April 7
The City of Rolla Environmental Services Department City-wide Clean Up will be held on Saturday, April 7. If you wish to participate, we ask that you please place all items near the curb by 6 a.m.
Common acceptable items include furniture, beds, toys, microwaves, and televisions, boxed or bagged trash. Unacceptable items include major appliances, construction or demolition debris, and loose trash. Loose items should be placed in boxes or bags and small pieces of lumber should be bundled.
We ask that you do not place your roll-out container to the curb, because during this special clean-up it will not be emptied. If you have any questions, please call the Environmental Services Department at 364-6693.
Environmental Services List of Important Dates
(clip & save coupon)
April 7, 2012 - Citywide Spring Clean Up: Saturday - Citywide clean up day (residential only).
May 28, 2012 - Memorial Day: Monday’s trash will be picked up Tuesday; Tuesday’s trash will be picked up Wednesday.
July 4, 2012 - Independence Day: Schedule will not change.
Sept. 3, 2012 - Labor Day: Monday’s trash will be picked up Tuesday; Tuesday’s trash will be picked up Wednesday.
Oct. 6, 2012 - Citywide Fall Clean Up: Saturday - Citywide clean up day (residential only).
Nov. 22, 2012 – Thanksgiving Day: Thursday’s trash will be picked up Wednesday.
Dec. 25, 2012 – Christmas Day: Tuesday’s trash will be picked up Wednesday.
Holidays NOT affecting trash or recycling collection:
Oct. 8, 2012 – Columbus Day
Nov. 12, 2012 – Veteran’s Day
Nov. 23, 2012 – Day after Thanksgiving
Rolla Channel 16
live streaming
24/7 on the Web
If you happen to miss the airing of a Rolla City Council meeting, Planning & Zoning meeting, Rolla Public School Board meeting or Board of Public Works meeting, you can now watch them live on the Rolla Channel 16 Website at Rolla Channel 16, Rolla’s premiere Education and Government channel, is also now live streaming (24/7) at RC16 is live streaming all Rolla City Council meetings, Rolla Planning & Zoning Commission meetings, all future episodes of “City Minutes”, all Rolla Public Schools board meetings, and Rolla High School Review. Other syndicated content on RC16 such as Missouri Outdoors, Army Newswatch, and Capitol Dialogue will also live stream on RC16 at For more information regarding programming or DVD duplication of Rolla City Council meetings, Rolla Planning & Zoning meetings, and Rolla Public Schools board meetings, etc., please contact Gabe Mankin, Digital Media Operations Manager, at (573) 426-3377 or at Be sure to watch Rolla Channel 16 – Education, Government and Community for you!
MARCH 2012
March 1 – Rolla Fire & Rescue begin conducting business safety inspections
March 5 – City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)
March 10 – Grand Family Conference (8:15 a.m. – 2 p.m.); The Centre; FREE; to register, call 341-2386
March 14 – Procession of St. Pat’s Court down Pine Street begins (11 a.m.) with arrival at Downtown Bandshell at 11:45 a.m.
March 17 – 104th St. Pat’s Parade (11 a.m.); Pine Street, downtown Rolla
March 19 – City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)
March 31 – One-Time FREE Tire Collection (8 a.m. – 1 p.m.); City of Rolla Recycling Center, 2141 Old St. James Rd., Rolla (573-364-6693)
APRIL 2012
April 2 – City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)
April 3 – Rolla Municipal General Election (polls open at 6 a.m.)
April 7 – City-wide Spring Clean-Up; items to curb by 6 a.m. (residential only)
April 7 – Breakfast with the Bunny (8 a.m. – 10 a.m.); The Centre; FREE (341-2386)
April 16 – City Council Mtg. (6:30 p.m.)
April 20 – Rolla Earth Day Celebration (10 a.m. – 2 p.m.); Havener Center lawn, Missouri S&T campus; FREE and open to the public
Scott A. Grahl
Communications Director
City of Rolla, Missouri
(573) 426-6943
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& Twitter at