The Rolla Police Department handled 658 calls for service. Of these calls there were: 38 hang up 911 calls, 28 disturbance calls (domestic or other), 21 traffic complaints, 61 traffic stops, 24 arrests, 4 runaways, 4 benevolent fund requests, 11 destructions of property, 5 telephone harassment calls, 2 mental health calls, 1 malicious mischief, 2 fingerprint requests and 2 fight calls. This total is down 84 calls from last week.
As you know, the country will be celebrating Independence Day this weekend and the Rolla community will follow suit. Traditionally part of the celebration involves the use of fireworks over this period. If you and your family decide to take part in this activity please use caution and a little bit of common sense. Parents should monitor all fireworks use and be sure to follow the manufacturer’s directions when discharging the product. City ordinance under Section 14-2 of the Rolla City Code states that any individual or organization may discharge fireworks, without a permit, from July 1 to July 5 only! The discharge of fireworks during any other day of the year is prohibited. Please also remember that fireworks may not be discharged between the hours of midnight and 8 a.m., and no fireworks shall be discharged within 50 feet of any stand, booth, or other location where fireworks are being sold. It is also unlawful for anyone to discharge fireworks in City parks any day throughout the year (Section 31-1, Rolla City Code).
Another 4th of July tradition is the annual Lion’s Club Carnival. This carnival has become one of the premiere carnivals in the area and is attended each year by thousands of participants who enjoy the rides, games and of course the outstanding fireworks display that seems to get better each year. This year the 75th Annual Rolla Lions Club Carnival will be held Thursday, July 1 through Sunday, July 4. The Rolla Police Department and Rolla Fire and Rescue will be on site with the Homeland Security Mobile Command Post that will be used to provide dispatch services in the event of an injury or mishap at the park. Central Communications telecommunicators will be utilizing the on-board dispatching system to relay information back to the 9-1-1 Center. We will also have officers patrolling the site so if you need assistance or need to report unsafe activity, please contact them. And please remember that traffic congestion in the area is extremely high during the carnival and motorists need use caution when traveling in or near the Lion’s Club Park.
Over the last several weeks the Rolla Police Department has received several cases involving counterfeit money. The large majority of the bills are $100.00 and $20.00 in denomination. The bills at first glance do appear to be genuine, but upon further examination there are significant watermarks missing or altered on the bills. If a person receives a $100.00 bill as payment for anything please look at the bill thoroughly. If the bill looks questionable do not take it as payment or look for the color shifting ink, the red and blue fibers built into to the bill, or the security strip on the bill. There are several other security features on paper currency, but the three mentioned are the easiest and quickest to look for. Please don’t solely depend on a counterfeit pen as proof of the bill being genuine, as like most things in this world the pens can be fooled. If you would like further information about the security features to look for on money please go to either or
Last week, Spo. Jaime Solis and Telecommunication Supervisor Stacey Smith attended 40 hrs. of training in Crisis Hostage Negotiation offered by the Midwest Counterdrug Training Center in Springfield, Missouri. The training provided was job specific for each officer and orchestrated from that point of view. And speaking of training, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our newest member to the Rolla Police Department family. Telecommunicator Tom Grisham began his employment on Tuesday of this week in the Central Communications Division. Tom will undergo several weeks of intense training on emergency dispatching for Police, Fire, EMS and many other facets of emergency response. Tom is not really new to the RPD family in that he is engaged to be married to Kandi Trentham who is a long time employee in our Records Division! Welcome aboard Tom and good luck in your training!
Have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend!
Police Chief, Mark Kearse
Rolla Police Dept.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
VIPS making impact, helping with summer school traffic
This past week, the Rolla Police Department handled 742 calls for service. Of these calls there were: 29 accidents, 49 hang up 911 calls, 35 disturbance calls (domestic or other), 25 traffic complaints, 41 traffic stops, 17 arrests, 35 assist of other agencies, 4 benevolent fund requests, 2 abandon vehicle reports, 5 escorts, 68 security checks and 12 suspicious nature calls. This week’s total call volume is up 60 calls from last week!
Well at the end of May the Rolla Public Schools let out for the summer, or did they? Actually beginning June 1st and running through June 30th, school is back in session, at least for some students who are attending the summer school sessions held at Wyman Elementary. For those students and faculty it is business as usual. Students and faculty arrive each morning and leave at the end of the day creating traffic congestion in that part of town, which is somewhat busy anyway. Since the beginning of June, if you’ve been in the area of Wyman Elementary School in the morning and at noon, you might have noticed School Resource Officer Sgt. Wayne Rapier and two members of the VIPS team assisting parents and children with the traffic flow around the school. Whether you are one of those folks directly involved in driving the children to school, or you a simply driving by the complex, please be extra careful and slow down in the area of the school. Thanks to Sgt. Wayne Rapier, VIPS/Reserve Officer Dave Reynolds and VIPS volunteer Don Rowland.
On Thursday, Sgt. Jeremy Martens, Spo. Tony Lauth, Spo. Ben Tinsley, Spo. Frank Hawkins and Spo. Leann Robertson conducted a driver’s license checkpoint between 7:45 and 8:30 a.m., in the 1100 block of east 18th St. This time frame and location was selected after receiving several traffic complaints in that particular area. During this operation it is estimated that over 500 motorists were contacted. This action yielded 1 citation for driving while suspended, 1 citation for driving while revoked, and 1 citation for failure to provide insurance, all within just 45 minutes! Great job folks!
On Thursday evening we completed our 3rd of 3 Neighborhood Watch Zone meetings in an effort to bolster participation in this great program. In each of the meetings S/Sgt. Rick Williams provided information on home security and protection and how the Neighborhood Watch concept will work in our community. Rolla Fire and Rescue Training Officer Ron Smith, provided information on the upcoming Community Emergency Response Team training that will enable citizens to fend for themselves in the event of a major disaster until emergency services can arrive. Volunteers in Police Services Coordinator Vince Giacolone and VIPS volunteers Dave Reynolds and Katherine Mattison were available to discuss the VIPS program and the services provided by those volunteers. American Red Cross personnel Edna Bridges and Christy Woolsey presented services offered by that agency and provided information on how to volunteer. And finally Phelps County Health Department representatives Beverly Stewart and Debbie Rhodes provided informational brochures on the “Ready in 3” program and discussed other services provided by their agency. I would like to thank all the representatives and taking time to help bolster these very worthy programs and would also like to thank the Rolla Recreation Centre and the 1st Assembly of God Church for their support. Great job folks. If for some reason you were unable to attend either of the 3 Zone meetings, and are interested in starting or enhancing a Neighborhood Watch program contact S/Sgt. Rick Williams at 308-1213.
In closing, I would like to offer a quick reminder to please be aware of the dramatic increase in bicyclists and motorcyclists in our community. Higher temperatures, higher fuel costs and fitness are the key factors in this choice in transportation. As you know, motorcycles, scooters and bicycles are much more difficult to see in traffic and the sad fact is that most motorists are used to watching for full size passenger cars and trucks, and not the cycles. This mind set is what leads to the car-truck/motorcycle collisions that are commonly much worse on the cyclists. Please use caution while driving and take an extra split second to check traffic closely before pulling from a private drive, business or intersection. Cyclists of all kinds are encouraged to wear a safe helmet, bright colored clothing or safety vest, and too also use extreme caution while riding.
Have a great week!
Well at the end of May the Rolla Public Schools let out for the summer, or did they? Actually beginning June 1st and running through June 30th, school is back in session, at least for some students who are attending the summer school sessions held at Wyman Elementary. For those students and faculty it is business as usual. Students and faculty arrive each morning and leave at the end of the day creating traffic congestion in that part of town, which is somewhat busy anyway. Since the beginning of June, if you’ve been in the area of Wyman Elementary School in the morning and at noon, you might have noticed School Resource Officer Sgt. Wayne Rapier and two members of the VIPS team assisting parents and children with the traffic flow around the school. Whether you are one of those folks directly involved in driving the children to school, or you a simply driving by the complex, please be extra careful and slow down in the area of the school. Thanks to Sgt. Wayne Rapier, VIPS/Reserve Officer Dave Reynolds and VIPS volunteer Don Rowland.
On Thursday, Sgt. Jeremy Martens, Spo. Tony Lauth, Spo. Ben Tinsley, Spo. Frank Hawkins and Spo. Leann Robertson conducted a driver’s license checkpoint between 7:45 and 8:30 a.m., in the 1100 block of east 18th St. This time frame and location was selected after receiving several traffic complaints in that particular area. During this operation it is estimated that over 500 motorists were contacted. This action yielded 1 citation for driving while suspended, 1 citation for driving while revoked, and 1 citation for failure to provide insurance, all within just 45 minutes! Great job folks!
On Thursday evening we completed our 3rd of 3 Neighborhood Watch Zone meetings in an effort to bolster participation in this great program. In each of the meetings S/Sgt. Rick Williams provided information on home security and protection and how the Neighborhood Watch concept will work in our community. Rolla Fire and Rescue Training Officer Ron Smith, provided information on the upcoming Community Emergency Response Team training that will enable citizens to fend for themselves in the event of a major disaster until emergency services can arrive. Volunteers in Police Services Coordinator Vince Giacolone and VIPS volunteers Dave Reynolds and Katherine Mattison were available to discuss the VIPS program and the services provided by those volunteers. American Red Cross personnel Edna Bridges and Christy Woolsey presented services offered by that agency and provided information on how to volunteer. And finally Phelps County Health Department representatives Beverly Stewart and Debbie Rhodes provided informational brochures on the “Ready in 3” program and discussed other services provided by their agency. I would like to thank all the representatives and taking time to help bolster these very worthy programs and would also like to thank the Rolla Recreation Centre and the 1st Assembly of God Church for their support. Great job folks. If for some reason you were unable to attend either of the 3 Zone meetings, and are interested in starting or enhancing a Neighborhood Watch program contact S/Sgt. Rick Williams at 308-1213.
In closing, I would like to offer a quick reminder to please be aware of the dramatic increase in bicyclists and motorcyclists in our community. Higher temperatures, higher fuel costs and fitness are the key factors in this choice in transportation. As you know, motorcycles, scooters and bicycles are much more difficult to see in traffic and the sad fact is that most motorists are used to watching for full size passenger cars and trucks, and not the cycles. This mind set is what leads to the car-truck/motorcycle collisions that are commonly much worse on the cyclists. Please use caution while driving and take an extra split second to check traffic closely before pulling from a private drive, business or intersection. Cyclists of all kinds are encouraged to wear a safe helmet, bright colored clothing or safety vest, and too also use extreme caution while riding.
Have a great week!
Council gives green light to energy savings initiative with Siemens
Energy savings, increased efficiencies, and the opportunity to reduce the City of Rolla’s carbon footprint, were all reasons the Rolla City Council gave a green light for the City to enter into a performance contract agreement with Siemens Industry, Inc., Building Technologies Division.
Considering that the City of Rolla spends between $650,000 and $700,000 annually on utilities for our many services and facilities (approximately 3% of our total budget), saving upwards of 20% or about $150,000 a year on our utility expenses should be an investment that will pay for itself.
While the project affects several different departments, it is considered a single comprehensive energy effort. The largest improvements consist of major pump and blower upgrades at the City’s wastewater treatment plant (Southeast Wastewater Treatment Plant, the City’s largest treatment facility), which have depreciated and need to be replaced in the near future. Other improvements range from a new roof at the Rolla Police Department headquarters, to the replacement of the inefficient lighting, both inside and outside, at the RPD headquarters, The Centre, both Fire and Rescue stations, Rolla City Hall, and all three of the City’s wastewater treatment plants. The upgrades extend all the way down to the temperature controls on vending machines and the replacement of HID Metal Halide lamps in the gymnasium and natatorium at The Centre with a T-5 electronic ballast high output lighting system. For a complete list of all the energy upgrades and the facilities included in the scope of work, please visit the City’s Website at
Working with the Missouri Water Utility Partnership (consisting of the EPA, DNR, Missouri S&T and Siemens) in mid-2009, the City of Rolla was one of 10 Missouri communities chosen to pursue a full energy analysis on all facilities in a 20% reduction in energy consumption. The performance agreement recently approved by City Council with Siemens, which was selected by the City to pursue a full energy audit and ultimately a scope of services, was made possible by recently passed Missouri state legislation that allows a contractor to guarantee the utility savings towards the lease or debt service payments to the cost of financing energy efficiency projects.
By engaging in this comprehensive effort, the City believes we are setting a standard for other Missouri communities to be good stewards of their resources. In addition, the representatives from Siemens commented at the June 21 City Council meeting that it intends to use Rolla as a model to other Missouri cities and communities who are considering such an energy conservation program. Siemens also commented that they intend to use Rolla as a showcase to try out other new energy saving equipment at no charge to the City in the next six months or so.
In closing I’d like to remind everyone to mark their calendars for the annual Lions Club Carnival which begins this Thursday, July 1 and runs through Sunday, July 4. Please also note that SplashZone, Rolla’s outdoor water park, located next to The Centre in Ber Juan Park, will be celebrating the 4th with Independence Dollar Day where everyone gets in for just $1. Rolla City Hall and the Environmental Services Department will also be closed on Monday, July 5 in observance of the Independence Day Holiday. Monday’s trash will be picked up on Tuesday and Tuesday’s trash will be picked up on Wednesday.
The Rolla City Council meeting, normally held on the first Monday of the month, will be held on Wednesday, July 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall (901 N. Elm Street). It was necessary to schedule the City Council meeting on Wednesday, July 7 instead of Tuesday, because Rolla Municipal Court will be held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday at 4:30 p.m.
Please have a safe and memorable July 4th weekend, and remember to keep all the members of the U.S. Armed Services in your thoughts and prayers as you enjoy the freedoms and celebrations that they make possible for all of us.
Considering that the City of Rolla spends between $650,000 and $700,000 annually on utilities for our many services and facilities (approximately 3% of our total budget), saving upwards of 20% or about $150,000 a year on our utility expenses should be an investment that will pay for itself.
While the project affects several different departments, it is considered a single comprehensive energy effort. The largest improvements consist of major pump and blower upgrades at the City’s wastewater treatment plant (Southeast Wastewater Treatment Plant, the City’s largest treatment facility), which have depreciated and need to be replaced in the near future. Other improvements range from a new roof at the Rolla Police Department headquarters, to the replacement of the inefficient lighting, both inside and outside, at the RPD headquarters, The Centre, both Fire and Rescue stations, Rolla City Hall, and all three of the City’s wastewater treatment plants. The upgrades extend all the way down to the temperature controls on vending machines and the replacement of HID Metal Halide lamps in the gymnasium and natatorium at The Centre with a T-5 electronic ballast high output lighting system. For a complete list of all the energy upgrades and the facilities included in the scope of work, please visit the City’s Website at
Working with the Missouri Water Utility Partnership (consisting of the EPA, DNR, Missouri S&T and Siemens) in mid-2009, the City of Rolla was one of 10 Missouri communities chosen to pursue a full energy analysis on all facilities in a 20% reduction in energy consumption. The performance agreement recently approved by City Council with Siemens, which was selected by the City to pursue a full energy audit and ultimately a scope of services, was made possible by recently passed Missouri state legislation that allows a contractor to guarantee the utility savings towards the lease or debt service payments to the cost of financing energy efficiency projects.
By engaging in this comprehensive effort, the City believes we are setting a standard for other Missouri communities to be good stewards of their resources. In addition, the representatives from Siemens commented at the June 21 City Council meeting that it intends to use Rolla as a model to other Missouri cities and communities who are considering such an energy conservation program. Siemens also commented that they intend to use Rolla as a showcase to try out other new energy saving equipment at no charge to the City in the next six months or so.
In closing I’d like to remind everyone to mark their calendars for the annual Lions Club Carnival which begins this Thursday, July 1 and runs through Sunday, July 4. Please also note that SplashZone, Rolla’s outdoor water park, located next to The Centre in Ber Juan Park, will be celebrating the 4th with Independence Dollar Day where everyone gets in for just $1. Rolla City Hall and the Environmental Services Department will also be closed on Monday, July 5 in observance of the Independence Day Holiday. Monday’s trash will be picked up on Tuesday and Tuesday’s trash will be picked up on Wednesday.
The Rolla City Council meeting, normally held on the first Monday of the month, will be held on Wednesday, July 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall (901 N. Elm Street). It was necessary to schedule the City Council meeting on Wednesday, July 7 instead of Tuesday, because Rolla Municipal Court will be held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday at 4:30 p.m.
Please have a safe and memorable July 4th weekend, and remember to keep all the members of the U.S. Armed Services in your thoughts and prayers as you enjoy the freedoms and celebrations that they make possible for all of us.
Monday, June 21, 2010
July 4th celebrated big at Lions Club Carnival (July 1-4)
No sooner have we kicked off the summer festivities in Rolla with the Route 66 Summerfest, the 75th Anniversary of the Rolla Lions Club Carnival is just around the bend. You will know that the 4th of July is getting closer when you start seeing the caravan of trucks and carnival rides setting up in Lions Club Park on 1061 South Bishop Avenue, along with all the tents, vendors, and hundreds of Lions Club volunteers who help make the Lions Club Carnival one of the most iconic, memorable events of the year in Rolla.
This four-day carnival, which unites friends and family from years’ past, and attracts thousands of visitors throughout South Central Missouri, begins Thursday, July 1 and runs through Independence Day, Sunday, July 4. Organizers of the Lions Club Carnival always incorporate the July 4th holiday in the festival, because it is the cornerstone of the carnival’s history. So whenever you are thinking about the 4th of July weekend, America’s Independence, our men and women serving in the Armed Forces in the U.S. and abroad, and family celebrations, you can simultaneously think of Lions Club Carnival. I hope to see everyone there!
What is truly unique and uplifting about the Lions Club Carnival is that it is coordinated, planned and operated by the members of the Rolla Lions Club who volunteer numerous hours of sweat equity (no exaggeration here) to ensure all the game, food and drink booths are staffed, and that the Midway (carnival rides), new car raffle, and fireworks display(s) are ready to go.
This year the Rolla Lions Club will be raffling off a new 2010 Chevy Camaro, and the winner of the car will be announced on the evening of July 4 at midnight. The carnival midway opens at 7 p.m. every night. Wrist band nights (one price gets you unlimited entrance to all rides) are Thursday, July 1 and Saturday, July 3. There will also be a matinee on Saturday, July 3 from 1-4 p.m., when wrist bands also will be available. Two outstanding fireworks displays will be held during the Rolla Lions Club Carnival on Friday, July 2 at 11 p.m. and on Sunday, July 4 at 11 p.m. The matinee on Saturday, July 3 will be featuring some retro pricing at the hamburger and cotton candy stands. The evening session on July 3 will begin with a concert at 5:45 p.m. by the Missouri Lions All State High School Band. They will be playing for about 45 minutes in front of the fountain in the park. Everyone is invited to attend this performance. For more information, please call 573.364.4386.
Another big event that is just around the corner is the American Solar Challenge, which is a 1,200-mile solar car race throughout the Midwest that our own Missouri S&T students will be participating in. Rolla was fortunate once again to be included among one of the stages of the race, which starts tomorrow, June 20 in Broken Arrow, Okla., and ends June 26 in Naperville, Ill. The solar car teams will be arriving in Rolla sometime around 11 a.m. on Wednesday, June 23, and the public is invited to view their arrival, cheer on the teams, and participate in the festivities planned that day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the Missouri S&T campus next to the Gail Bullman Multipurpose building (located at the corner of Bishop Avenue and 10th Street). The teams will spend the night in Rolla and depart the next morning on Thursday, June 24 at 9 a.m. for the next leg of the race. The entire community is welcomed and encouraged to stop by during the above times listed and be part of the American Solar Challenge festivities!
In closing I’d like to remind everyone that Rolla City Hall will be closed on Monday, July 5 in observance of the Independence Day Holiday. The Rolla City Council meeting, normally held on the first Monday of the month, will be held on Wednesday, July 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall (901 N. Elm Street). It was necessary to schedule the City Council meeting on Wednesday, July 7 instead of Tuesday, because Rolla Municipal Court will be held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday at 4:30 p.m.
To be included in other notices and updates regarding upcoming events, meetings and happenings, please join the City’s official Facebook pa
This four-day carnival, which unites friends and family from years’ past, and attracts thousands of visitors throughout South Central Missouri, begins Thursday, July 1 and runs through Independence Day, Sunday, July 4. Organizers of the Lions Club Carnival always incorporate the July 4th holiday in the festival, because it is the cornerstone of the carnival’s history. So whenever you are thinking about the 4th of July weekend, America’s Independence, our men and women serving in the Armed Forces in the U.S. and abroad, and family celebrations, you can simultaneously think of Lions Club Carnival. I hope to see everyone there!
What is truly unique and uplifting about the Lions Club Carnival is that it is coordinated, planned and operated by the members of the Rolla Lions Club who volunteer numerous hours of sweat equity (no exaggeration here) to ensure all the game, food and drink booths are staffed, and that the Midway (carnival rides), new car raffle, and fireworks display(s) are ready to go.
This year the Rolla Lions Club will be raffling off a new 2010 Chevy Camaro, and the winner of the car will be announced on the evening of July 4 at midnight. The carnival midway opens at 7 p.m. every night. Wrist band nights (one price gets you unlimited entrance to all rides) are Thursday, July 1 and Saturday, July 3. There will also be a matinee on Saturday, July 3 from 1-4 p.m., when wrist bands also will be available. Two outstanding fireworks displays will be held during the Rolla Lions Club Carnival on Friday, July 2 at 11 p.m. and on Sunday, July 4 at 11 p.m. The matinee on Saturday, July 3 will be featuring some retro pricing at the hamburger and cotton candy stands. The evening session on July 3 will begin with a concert at 5:45 p.m. by the Missouri Lions All State High School Band. They will be playing for about 45 minutes in front of the fountain in the park. Everyone is invited to attend this performance. For more information, please call 573.364.4386.
Another big event that is just around the corner is the American Solar Challenge, which is a 1,200-mile solar car race throughout the Midwest that our own Missouri S&T students will be participating in. Rolla was fortunate once again to be included among one of the stages of the race, which starts tomorrow, June 20 in Broken Arrow, Okla., and ends June 26 in Naperville, Ill. The solar car teams will be arriving in Rolla sometime around 11 a.m. on Wednesday, June 23, and the public is invited to view their arrival, cheer on the teams, and participate in the festivities planned that day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the Missouri S&T campus next to the Gail Bullman Multipurpose building (located at the corner of Bishop Avenue and 10th Street). The teams will spend the night in Rolla and depart the next morning on Thursday, June 24 at 9 a.m. for the next leg of the race. The entire community is welcomed and encouraged to stop by during the above times listed and be part of the American Solar Challenge festivities!
In closing I’d like to remind everyone that Rolla City Hall will be closed on Monday, July 5 in observance of the Independence Day Holiday. The Rolla City Council meeting, normally held on the first Monday of the month, will be held on Wednesday, July 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall (901 N. Elm Street). It was necessary to schedule the City Council meeting on Wednesday, July 7 instead of Tuesday, because Rolla Municipal Court will be held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday at 4:30 p.m.
To be included in other notices and updates regarding upcoming events, meetings and happenings, please join the City’s official Facebook pa
Friday, June 18, 2010
Police Chief Chat
This past week, the Rolla Police Department handled 682 calls for service. Of these calls there were: 20 accidents, 51 hang up 911 calls, 29 disturbance calls (domestic or other), 40 traffic complaints, 50 traffic stops, 16 arrests, 25 assist of other agencies, 2 burglaries, 2 benevolent fund requests, 1 open door investigation, 3 escorts, 74 security checks, and 16 stealing reports.
On Wednesday, June 16, 2010, officers of the South Central Drug Task Force, the Rolla Police Department, and the Phelps County Sheriff’s Department concluded a short term narcotics investigation in the 1200 block of East 14th Street in Rolla, Missouri. As a result of the investigation, the following person was arrested and incarcerated at the Phelps County Jail: Renetha Wells, age 39 of Rolla, was arrested for unlawful use of a weapon by being a felon in possession of a handgun, receiving stolen property (firearm), and possession of marijuana. The charges for which the above mentioned suspects were arrested are merely accusations and are not evidence of guilt. Evidence in support of the charges must be presented before a court of competent jurisdiction whose duty is to determine guilt or innocence.
On Thursday, June 17, 2010, officers of the South Central Drug Task Force, the Rolla Police Department, and the Phelps County Sheriff’s Department concluded a short term narcotics investigation in the 800 block of Avon Court in Rolla, Missouri. As a result of the investigation, the following person was arrested and incarcerated at the Phelps County Jail: James P. Bailey, age 19 of Rolla, was arrested for possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute, possession of methamphetamine, and endangering the welfare of a child in the 1st degree. The charges for which the above mentioned suspects were arrested are merely accusations and are not evidence of guilt. Evidence in support of the charges must be presented before a court of competent jurisdiction whose duty is to determine guilt or innocence.
In addition to the above mentioned drug arrests, the South Central Drug Task Force, Rolla Police Department and members of the Phelps County Sheriff’s Department served
2 additional search warrants in the City of Rolla where illegal drugs and weapons were seized. The details of these investigations will be released very soon. Great job to the South Central Task Force, Phelps County Sheriff’s Department and the Rolla Police Department. We will continue to aggressively pursue those that choose to violate the law here in the Phelps County area and do our best to rid this community of these persistent criminals!
On Friday, June 18, 2010, Spo. Leann Robertson responded to a domestic dispute on Vichy Road, involving a male and female. After the incident, the father of one of the involved parties contacted me and wanted to discuss the manner in which the situation was handled by the responding officer (Robertson)! The father wanted me to know that Leann was very professional, had compassion, cared and listened, and yet did an outstanding job keeping the scene under control. In appreciation he offered to buy her dinner, which is an offer we could not accept. Leann, every person we deal with, every call you handle and every time someone sees you drive by they are judging you and the Rolla Police Department. Compassion is probably the strongest way to get people to believe in you and the Rolla Police Department. Again, thank you for your service!
On Wednesday of this week, I had the honor of addressing over 100 members and guests at the monthly Rolla Area Chamber of Commerce luncheon held at the Oak Meadow Country Club. The topic of my presentation was the progress the Rolla Police Department has undergone under my leadership and what future challenges I anticipate for the agency. When I was appointed Chief over 3 years ago, I already had visions and a direction on where I felt, the Rolla Police Department should head. In my previous 25 years of law enforcement experience, all but about 1 ½ years was spent with my hometown police department. I began my career as a patrol officer handling calls, making arrests, investigating criminal activity and working rotating shifts, all the while trying to support a family on a very meager salary. Through my years at the Rolla Police Department I had the privilege of working under 3 different Police Chiefs whom in my opinion, were each outstanding in his own right, even though each one offered very different management styles.
Using the experiences gathered from working under each of the management styles and witnessing first hand, the effects these styles have on employees, I soon decided if I were to ever be appointed Chief of Police for the Rolla Police Department, I would instill upon my employees, the following philosophy: The backbone of our decision making will begin by using the principles of the Three Pillars! The Three Pillars and principles are that the Employees, Citizens and Professionalism of the Department are all equal in regards to importance! All decisions made will take into consideration the improvements of these three areas, and not by taking from one to add to another. We will only add to each area to improve those areas! Our employees are reminded that we are a Team, we are Professionals, we are all Assets, we are a Family and we will serve the citizens in a professional and caring manner. It is our job to bring the utmost respect to law enforcement profession and to the Rolla Police Department. Well, as you know, my dream to become the Chief of Police of the Rolla Police Department has come true and the principles of the Three Pillars is what governs our service to you!
In regards to what lies ahead for the Rolla Police Department, I would like to offer that I truly believe we are one of the best, if not the best police department in the state! Especially when manpower, call volume and crime rates are considered. The Rolla Police Department offers a very diverse mixture of enforcement techniques, pro-active strategies and resource management to do the best we can do to keep our community safe. We are desperately in need of more police officers but with the current economic situation our chances to bolster our manpower are minimal. Sadly, in recent years, we have seen a migration of a non-local criminal element coming into our community from other areas. This trend is on the rise due to a variety of reasons such as a slowed economy, available housing and shelter type assistance programs and many other variables. The Rolla Police Department has adopted the 95%-4%-1%er rule in that we believe that 95% of our citizens are good law-abiding citizens.
95% of the people are good law-abiding citizens. They make mistakes, break minor traffic laws, minor infractions and sometimes make a bad decision like you and I. They are your mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and relatives. Treat them as such, we do!
4% of the people are petty criminals. They steal, break into cars, damage property, drink too much, use illegal drugs and struggle to live in our community because they have weaknesses. They deserve respect! However, we will enforce the laws to better them and the our community.
1% ers. These are the true predators of our society. They deal their poisons to the 95% and the 4%. They rape, murder, burglarize, assault and cause catastrophic situations upon the good people! These are our targets! We will enforce the laws to the fullest extent when dealing with the 1%ers! They are not welcome in our community!
We will treat the 100% as our best friend until they cause us to do differently!
In closing, I would like to remind you that our 3rd of 3 Neighborhood Watch Zone meetings will be held on Thursday, June 24, 2010 at the 1st Assembly of God Church, located at 1608 N. Oak St. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. and is free to the public. We will offer information on Neighborhood Watch, Community Emergency Response (CERT), Volunteers in Police Services (VIPS), and the services of the American Red Cross. We will also have representatives from the Phelps County Health Department who will provide information on emergency sheltering. Hope to see you Thursday!
Have a great week!
Chief Mark Kearse
Monday, June 14, 2010
Route 66 Summerfest made possible through community effort

From classic cars and vintage motorcycles, to the nostalgic ride along memory lane “Route 66 Cruise-in” from St. James to Rolla, the ceremonial crowning of Miss Route 66, three different sporting events (tennis, volleyball, and Tour d’ Phelps bike ride), Movies Under the Stars Double Feature, a street dance featuring FANFARE, a Ghost Walk at Rolla Cemetery, the Downhill Derby, Fire Truck Pull, and a half a dozen other events, Summerfest offers something for just about everyone. The work, time, resources and energy expended by Nick and Dawn and everyone else involved in the planning and coordination of Summerfest is to be commended.
I would also like to express my appreciation to the members of the Rolla Police Department, Rolla Fire and Rescue, Environmental Services, Public Works and Parks and Recreation Departments for providing support and services throughout the 2-day event. All of these departments work together seamlessly to provide the resources necessary to help make the Downtown Festival Park the centerpiece of this popular festival every year.

Fortunately, through foresight and vision, the Downtown Festival Park, where the Downtown Bandshell, Frisco Caboose, picnic area, and festival parking lots are located, can be used for a variety of community-wide festivals and activities, that include the Downtown Farmer’s Market, which is held every Tuesday from 7 a.m. to 12-noon. Other events held in the Downtown Festival Park include Movies Under the Stars, Music Under the Stars, outdoor concerts, the St. Pat’s celebration and coronation held in March, and Christmas tree lighting ceremony. The inaugural Parade of Nations event, being coordinated by Missouri University of Science and Technology, will culminate at the Downtown Bandshell on Saturday, Sept. 18, and I hope many of you will join us as the City joins the University in celebrating the rich culture and diversity that the students at Missouri S&T bring to our community.

For a complete list of events for this four-day July 4th celebration, please visit For more information, please call 573.364.4386.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Police Chief Chat
The Rolla Police Department handled 805 calls for service. Of these calls there were: 56 hang up 911 calls, 28 disturbance calls (domestic or other), 26 traffic complaints, 131 traffic stops, 24 arrests, 15 assist of other agencies, 49 follow up investigations, 3 tow stickers applied, 14 escorts, 40 animal control type calls, 5 abandoned vehicle calls, 10 intoxicated persons calls. This total is up 19 calls from last week!
In reference to the officer involved shooting incident on Saturday, June 5, 2010, I would like to offer this statement. As Chief of Police I first want to say that the shooting incident that took place is a terrible tragedy, these types of events affect so many people. Our prayers go out to the officer and his family, as well as to A.J. and his family. There are so many different levels of emotion that surround an incident like this and it is usually best to say very little and to be careful about what we write. We (RPD) and those involved appreciate the support and understanding offered during this difficult time. I started our Chief Chat column and FaceBook site as a way to communicate with the public and to give you insight into the Rolla Police Department. I do not like censoring people as I believe in free speech, so please be respectful to all involved, as I will step in if need be. Thank you.
On Monday, June 7th, 2010, Cpt. Jason Smith attended a reception in Springfield, Missouri honoring the Barwick/Newton National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund and hosted by the Burlington Northern / Santa Fe Railroad. The Barwick/Newton National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund was established in 2004 in honor of St. Louis Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Barwick and Missouri State Highway Patrolman Michael Newton, both of whom were killed in the line of duty. The fund will assist with transportation and other expenses incurred by family members of fallen officers who travel to Washington D.C. to participate in National Police Week for the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Dedication ceremonies where the names of the fallen officers are added to the memorial each year. Burlington Northern / Santa Fe Railway sponsored the event where attendees were treated to Hors D’oeuvres aboard the BNSF Lake Superior and Valley View business cars while traveling on a round trip to Lebanon, Missouri. Along the route BNSF surprised the attendees and staff of the Barwick/Newton fund with a generous donation of $5,000.00 for the cause.
On Saturday, June 5, 2010, we held our annual bicycle / small equipment auction at the Rolla Police Department. Over 55 recovered or abandoned bicycles were sold as well as other lawn maintenance equipment for a total just over $1,000.00. Special thanks to auctioneer Mike Flett and City of Rolla Finance Director Stephanie Melton for their assistance.
Also on Saturday, June 5, 2010 we held our 3rd Annual Fire Truck Pull to benefit the Veteran’s Memorial Park. We had 3 teams of 10 members competing to pull a fully loaded Rolla Fire and Rescue fire truck a distance of 20 feet for the best elapsed time. This year’s winner was the Fairground Auto Plaza team and team Captain Mark Wood who took the 1st Place Trophy with an elapsed time of 9.8 seconds. Second Place was awarded to the American Legion Team and team Captain S/Sgt. Hawkins with an elapsed time of 10.8 seconds. And in Third Place was the Rolla Police Department team with team Captain Detective Hank Harper with an elapsed time of 10.9 seconds! The event raised $300.00 for the Veteran’s Memorial Park located on Southview Drive. Thanks for helping us help the veterans!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Police Chief Chat
This past week, Rolla Police Department handled 786 calls for service. Of these calls there were: 21 accidents, 35 hang up 911 calls, 20 disturbance calls (domestic or other), 35 traffic complaints, 149 traffic stops, 20 arrests, 1 pursuit, 18 assist of other agencies, 21 stealing calls, 3 fingerprints, 63 security checks, 10 keep the peace calls, 1 missing person and 7 escort requests. This total is up 85 calls from last week.
In an effort to curb prescription drug abuse by teens, The Phelps County Sheriff’s Department, the Phelps County Child Advocacy Network and Prevention Consultants of Missouri have teamed with Walgreen’s Pharmacy to host the first “Prescription Take Back Day” to be held on Saturday, June 12, 2010 at the Rolla Walgreen store located at 120 S. Bishop Avenue. The program is an opportunity to rid your homes and medicine cabinets of unused and unneeded prescription medication that if not properly disposed of, may wind up in the wrong hands, creating the likelihood of abuse. For more information on the “Prescription Take Back Day, call 368-4755.
On Saturday, June 5, 2010 the Rolla Police Department and Rolla Fire and Rescue will be hosting the 3rd Annual “Fire Truck Pull” to benefit the Veteran’s Memorial Park. This event will be held in conjunction with the Rt. 66 Summerfest celebration taking place this weekend. At this writing there are only 3 teams signed up for the Fire Truck Pull and they are from Fairgrounds Auto Plaza, Rolla Fire and Rescue and the Rolla Police Department. So, there is still a need for several more teams. There is still time to enter a team as the event is scheduled for 4:00 p.m. on Saturday.
We are hosting this event in support of our local veterans who as US servicemen and women proudly and unselfishly served in the US Armed Forces is preservation of our freedom. We feel it is our duty to do what we can to ensure that they are not only remembered when they are gone, but also to help them achieve their goal of providing a Veteran’s Memorial that can be enjoyed while they are still here. To enter a team contact S/Sgt. Rick Williams at 308-1213. Thank you for helping us, help our veterans!
With the Rt. 66 Summerfest in full swing we encourage all of you to bring your families and take part in the many fun-filled events planned for this year’s summer celebration. There are many activities scheduled all thru the day that are not only enjoyable for the participants, but are also a load of fun for the crowd. The events include sporting events such as bicycle rides and races, vendors and exhibits, Segway rides, military displays, food courts, live music, 2 feature length movies, car and motorcycle shows, cruises and cruise-ins and many other events. Be sure to have a great time and be safe. Kudos to the Summerfest Committee for bringing us this mult-faceted summer celebration each year. Great job folks!
In closing, remember our annual bicycle and small equipment auction will be held Saturday, June 5, 2010 at the Rolla Police Department beginning at 9:00 am. We have between 50 and 100 bicycles available and other small equipment. This is a great opportunity to get a good deal on a good bike.
Have a great week!
Chief Mark Kearse
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Police Chief Chat
Another busy week in that we handled 701 calls for service. Of these calls there were: 22 accidents, 36 hang up 911 calls, 28 disturbance calls (domestic or other), 35 traffic complaints, 55 traffic stops, 28 arrests, 11 suspicious nature calls, 27 stealing calls, 13 escorts, 3 runaway juveniles, and 8 public relation events. Total calls for this week are up by 2 calls over last week!
Memorial Day weekend is here! Traditionally, Memorial Day weekend is the kick-off holiday for the summer. Families will be hitting the highways and traveling to visit relatives, state parks, theme parks, lakes, rivers, streams and many other attractions to enjoy the extended weekend. Before you travel, plan your route by allowing for increased traffic, road construction, higher temperatures and inattentive drivers. Be sure your vehicle is safe for travel and that your tires and brakes are in good shape. Prepare an emergency travel kit that includes items such as bottled water, a flashlight, emergency flares or reflective triangles, cell phone and charger, small hand tools and a first-aid kit. And most of all be sure to drive friendly, obey all traffic laws and if you plan to use alcohol, do not drink and drive.
Last week, Cpt. Jason Smith and reserve Pto. Paul Rueff traveled to Willow Springs to attend training offered by the Office of Homeland Security on the implementation of the new (P-25) radio system. The P-25 system will be implemented in the next couple years and is a radio system that will be utilized by all emergency responders that will allow interoperability between all agencies across Missouri. The system will have a distinct advantage over the present system in the event of a catastrophic incident involving multiple jurisdictions in that all responding agencies will be utilizing the same radio band and frequency!
On Tuesday of this week the Rolla Police Department, Missouri State Highway Patrol and the South Central Corrections Facility in Licking, Missouri took part in the 25th Annual running of the Law Enforcement Torch Run to benefit Special Olympics. Over 30 officers met at the Wal-Mart Supercenter in Rolla where they received the ceremonial torch and a send off by Rolla Mayor Bill Jenks. Runners then hit the road by traveling north on Bishop Avenue, then west on Kingshighway to I-44 where they continued west all the way to the Phelps/Pulaski county line where the torch was then transferred and taken to Lebanon, Missouri. The following day the torch was then relayed to Springfield, Missouri for the opening of the Special Olympic Summer Games. We would like to thank all the participating agencies for their support and special thanks to our event sponsors: Rolla Fire and Rescue, Pepsi-Cola of Rolla, the Wal-Mart Supercenter and MoDot! We would also like to thank Mayor Bill Jenks, City of Rolla Communications Director Scott Grahl and his son Owen.
As you may have read in the Rolla Daily News, on Wednesday of this week, Central Dispatch received a call of a female reporting an assault by a known male. Senior Patrol Officer Tommy Davis responded to the call and spotted the male suspect in a vehicle fleeing from the scene. Spo. Davis overtook the suspect and attempted to stop him, but the male refused to stop and attempted to flee from Davis. The suspect traveled south of Rolla and attempted a high speed left turn, causing the vehicle to leave the roadway and strike a tree. The male suspect jumped from the vehicle and fled into a heavily wooded area. Officer Davis requested assistance and was joined by members of the Phelps County Sheriff’s Department, the Missouri State Highway Patrol and officers from the Rolla Police Department.
A manhunt ensued utilizing perimeter patrol, stationary observation, aircraft and K-9 units, and building and wooded area searches. This operation continued for approximately 3 hours without success. A resident of the area arrived home in the afternoon and discovered the residence burglarized and a vehicle stolen from the garage. The vehicle description was broadcast to all searching agencies due to the possibility of the subject of the manhunt being involved in the burglary. Late that afternoon the manhunt was concluded and arrest warrants were sought against the suspect for the crimes committed. Thank you to all the responding agencies for their quick response and assistance in this operation.
On Thursday night, the Rolla Police Department held the 1st of 3, Neighborhood Watch Zone meetings at the Community Hall. S/Sgt. Rick Williams addressed the attending citizens on the importance and successes of the Neighborhood Watch program and the intended implementation of this crime prevention program to all neighborhoods in the community. Most of the city is currently covered by a Neighborhood Watch program, but many of the areas need to be rejuvenated to keep the program successful. Rolla Fire and Rescue Training Officer Ron Smith was also on hand to present information on the plan to establish Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training in each of the designated Neighborhood Watch Zones. CERT volunteers will be trained in basic first aid, fire suppression and disaster preparation in each of the zones to be utilized in the event of a catastrophic situation where professional first responders are unable to respond! Christy Woolsey of the American Red Cross provided information on the services and needs of that volunteer organization. And finally, Volunteers in Police Services (VIPS) Coordinator Vince Giacolone and VIPS volunteer Katherine Mattison were present and discussed the services that program provides. The next Neighborhood Watch Zone meeting will be held on Thursday, June 10, 2010 @ 6:30 p.m. at the Rolla Centre at 1200 Holloway St. in Rolla. All citizens are encouraged to attend.
In closing, The Rolla Police Department and Rolla Fire and Rescue want to take this opportunity to encourage civic groups, service clubs, military organizations, business owners and just about everyone to come forward and enter a team in our 3rd Annual Fire Truck Pull to benefit the Veteran’s Memorial Park. This event will be held next Saturday, June 5, 2010 at 4:00 p.m, in conjunction with the Rt. 66 Summerfest! In this fun and worthwhile competition, teams of up to 10 members will attempt to pull a fully loaded Rolla Fire and Rescue fire truck. Trophies will be awarded to 1st and 2nd place finishers. We feel we owe it to our servicemen and women who proudly and unselfishly served in the US Armed Forces to do what we can to ensure that they are not only remembered when they are gone, but also to help them achieve their goal of providing a Veteran’s Memorial that can be enjoyed while they are still here. To date, we only have 2 or 3 teams entered for the event. To enter or sponsor a team contact S/Sgt. Rick Williams at 308-1213. To date, we only have 2 or 3 teams signed, and could use several more! Please help us help the veterans!
Have a great week and a fun and safe Memorial Day holiday!
Chief Mark Kearse
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